Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Gothic Architecture Romanesque Architecture - 1049 Words

Gothic style architecture originated in 12th-century France. The style was very different to architecture styles in early periods, with this style we see characteristics such as ribbed vaults, pointed arches, flying buttresses, etc. Buildings made in Gothic style were usually made of stone with large glass windows. Some examples of Gothic style buildings we ve studied in class include the Basilica of St Denis, Chartres Cathedral and Reims Cathedral. Although Gothic style architecture ended in the 16th century, it remains as one of the most familiar styles of architecture comparatively to other abbey s, churches and cathedrals in Europe. The main goals of Gothic architects were to make beautiful, decorative buildings that were also functional. For example, the flying buttress was created to spread to weight of a building effectively. Flying buttresses were used basically used as a support beam, practical, but also beautiful and decorative. Gothic style buildings were also meant to be tall and large, to be closer to God. In comparing the two works about Gothic architecture by Suger Abbot and Bernard or Clairvaux, we can see that there are more differences than there are similarities. Looking back at Gothic characteristics, Abbot agreed more loosely with the beautiful and decorative side of Gothic architecture, while Bernarf agreed more loosely with the functional side of Gothic architecture. Suger Abbot s work is vastly different compared to Bernard of Clairvaux.Show MoreRelated Romanesque and Gothic Architecture Essay1144 Words   |  5 PagesRomanesque and Gothic Architecture The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. 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