Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Super Kikay and Her Flying Pagong Essay Example for Free

Super Kikay and Her Flying Pagong Essay The turtle is a mystical and enabled Kikay to spare mankind and the ocean animals. It is her obligation to shield the sea profound from the mammoth little Octopus and its lord supporter from getting the enchanted pearl that offers life to the sea profound. As a preparation, Super Kikay fly around their town and attempt to take care of the issues and challenges of others. A portion of the issues she explain was to help a stuck jeepney get off the mud. She likewise protected a young lady that nearly tumble from the ships haggle the illicit fishers from obliterating the sea by utilizing dynamites to get fish. After her preparation, Dong pagong educated her to get the mysterious pearl and carry it to their territory to keep the mammoth octopus from discovering it in the sea. Kikay changes into Super K and plunge into the sea to get the mystical pearl. She handily found the enchanted pearl yet she was additionally observed by the goliath octopus and followed her into the land. At the point when Super K saw that the monster octopus followed her, she promptly burrowed a gap to conceal the enchanted pearl however she neglected to cover it. Super K and the mammoth octopus battle one another. Super K nearly crushed the monster octopus however she was handily beaten in light of the fact that the mammoth octopus terminated a dark ink all over and briefly blinded her giving the octopus time to get away from w/the supernatural pearl. Super Ks sibling was additionally grabbed by the mammoth octopus while she was briefly blinded. The following morning, Dong pagong revealed to Kikay that she should get the supernatural pearl from the monster octopus to keep the fishes from kicking the bucket. Kikay changed into Super K again to locate the mammoth octopus and get the enchanted pearl and furthermore to safeguard her more youthful sibling. Horje (the researcher who made the goliath octopus) disposed of the monster octopus since he feels that the mammoth octopus might be a blockade on his arrangements (he intends to offer the mystical pearl to outsiders for 100,000 million pesos) Super K heard the firearm fired that was shot from Horjes weapon. She imagined that shot her more youthful sibling however later on discovered that Horje murdered the goliath octopus and not her more youthful sibling. In the wake of letting her more youthful sibling got away, she pursued Horje until she cornered him. They battled wildly until she have beaten Horje and get the mystical pearl. Super K backpedal on their town and restored the enchanted pearl into the sea. After the restoring the otherworldly pearl, the sea turned out to be spotless again and all the fishes were cheerful and expressing gratitude toward Super K for sparing them. Dong pagong didn't reclaim the force that she has given to Kikay in light of the fact that he realizes that Kikay will utilize her forces to support people.

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