Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Effects Of Obesity On America And Is Reaching All Time...

Isabelle Eckel Mrs. Bradshaw AP Psychology May 7, 2015 Research Paper Obesity has been on the rise in America and is reaching all time heights. Obesity in America is at 27.7 percent and 1 in 5 children in America are obese currently and many will have to deal with it throughout their lifetime. With almost a third of our population struggling with this problem, the increasing obesity rates are becoming a major concern. Even though there isn’t a single answer to why obesity has become so prevalent, there are many contributing factors such as socio-economic status, the rise in technology, fast food, car culture, politics, socio-economic status, stress, and biology. While children used to run around outside and play sports for fun,†¦show more content†¦New innovations in the food industry also play a role in the increase of obesity. The creation and popularity of processed foods, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and dangerous chemicals and toxins like fructose corn syrup have a detrimental effect on human health. People in the United States spent 6 billion dollars every year on fast food in the 1970s. However, this number dramatically increased in the year 2000 when the amount spent annually on fast food jumped to 110 billion dollars (Wile, Elise). Tons of money is also spent on enticing fast food advertisements, which draws many people in. Socio-economic status and obesity also relate. A concerning problem is that buying a burger off of the dollar menu can actually be cheaper than buying fruits and vegetables. It has actually become easier and more affordable to buy unhealthy foods such as fast foods and processed foods. In low-income areas, schools also tend to serve unhealthy processed foods in the cafeteria. It has become much more difficult for the poor to access healthy ingredients so they turn to cheap processed foods. The correlation between socio-economic status and income is shown by the fact that Mississippi, the poorest state in America, has the highest obesity rate in the nation (Berl, Rachel). Many Americans rely heavily on their cars to get them from place to place. In the past, people walked to get to where they needed to go. In the suburbs for example â€Å"walking as a

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Happiness and the Purpose of Life - 1087 Words

â€Å"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.† -Aristotle What is the purpose of life? This question has had a lot of controversy from ancient philosophers and even people today. Many people may ask this question, but few know the answer. Everyone is different and yet we all ask the same question. In my class right now there are twenty-three students. Students that have grown up together and long-time friends and some are newer than others. You can guess how a person will end up saying, â€Å"oh, that person is going to make it far.† Celebrities, musicians, teachers, parents, teenagers, and even adults have at one point asked: What is the purpose of life? Do we all have a destiny set up for us that we go along with according to plan? Or do we make our own choices, which makes our destiny? I think the purpose of life is to learn and grow from our decisions. We as individuals chose our destiny (AKA naturalism) and the outcome. Philosophers had many different opinions on there view of life. Aristotle believed that happiness was the central purpose of human life. He believed it depended on not only emotional but also physical well being also by achieving virtue. Aristotle’s theory is known as the theory of happiness. Because no matter how much money and wants that you have in the end (eudemonia) also known, as happiness is the only thing worth having. Buddhism believes that the purpose of life is to end suffering. TheShow MoreRelatedIs Happiness the Purpose of Life?1317 Words   |  5 Pageswant happiness.† So, what’s the purpose of life? Is it to be happy? Everyone has that desire, to have happiness. We even base our decision we by how it will affect our happiness. In our life we experience happiness and unhappiness, but we are oblivious as to what happiness is. What comes to mind when thinking of happiness? Is it pleasure, the thought of the good life, prosperity, or is it something else? We won’t be able to have a response to that question until we have a notion of happiness. WhenRead MoreAristotle s Happiness As A Central Purpose Of Human Life And A Goal868 Words   |  4 PagesAristotle enshrines happiness as a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. As a result his constant work on the topic has brought light on the subject than any other philosopher in history. Aristotle was convinced that a genuinely happy life required the fulfillment of a broad range of conditions, in conjunction with physical as well as mental well-being. Aristotle believed virtues led to happiness and virtues meant the act of achieving balance and moderation. More importantly, AristotleRead MoreThe Well Being Aristotle And Human Happiness1000 Words   |  4 PagesOur Well-Being: Aristotle and Human Happiness What is the purpose of a human being? â€Å"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence† (Nicomachean Ethics). When one thinks about happiness, these words said by Aristotle allow us to understand its significance. Through Aristotle’s teachings, he made it clear that the point of life is to be happy. Aristotle uses the word happiness as having to do with a person’s life as a whole, and not as the constant desireRead MoreSocrates, Plato, and Aristotels View on Happiness1529 Words   |  7 PagesWhat Is Happiness What is happiness, and how can one achieve true happiness? This is the ultimate question of life and what every person is seeking an answer to. Many feel that they have found their answer in belonging to the faith of their choice, but what is it that their faith teaches them that brings them happiness? The Philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all have a similar view on what happiness is and how to achieve it. Aristotles view is based on Platos and Platos is based on SocratesRead MoreThe Human Function as It Pertains to Happiness Essay1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe Human Function as it Pertains to Happiness Humans have a function, according to Aristotle, and so it would follow that fulfilling that function makes us happy. Before we can establish that fulfilment of purpose results in happiness, we must first establish what the human function actually is, and also what constitutes good and happiness for humans. Aristotle’s arguments for happiness and human purpose help to provide answers to these questions, though as with all philosophical topics there areRead MoreHappiness : Is It Just A Thing?757 Words   |  4 PagesHappiness seems familiar with many of people. It is not measurable, touchable, profitable, nor tradable. Yet, by describing through those word above, happiness is what human seek. Definitely, every people want to be happy and no one wants to be sad. They do not only want to have happiness, but also they want to have a lot of it. However, happiness, like an untouchable thing, is an impossible thing to grasp in one’s hand. It is intangible. So how does one know if they have it? Is it just a feelingRead MoreThe Pursuit of Meaning Essay1219 Words   |  5 PagesStampede! Before you know it, people are running, pushing, grabbing items off the nearest shelf, just for the sheer fact that it’s on sale. Happiness can obviously be bought, right? Wrong. Contrary to popular belief, the idea of acceptance, or in other words, the ability to be vulnerable towards other, is taking over this culture because of the search for happiness that Americans pride themselves in taking, and sooner or later, something needs to change. As defined by the online dictionary, vulnerableRead MoreAristotle s Argument For The Function Of Man1585 Words   |  7 PagesNicomachean Ethics I.7, defined happiness as the central good that motivates all of man’s endeavors (function), in that happiness â€Å"is in itself worthy of pursuit more final than that which is worthy of pursuit for the sake of something else†¦ is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else.† (NE 1.7, 1097a 32-34) What is interesting to note here, is that in this sense, happiness, rather than a mental state of the mind, is perceived as a good; happiness is something that serves anRead MoreEssay on Summer Reading756 Words   |  4 PagesTo follow a life of success, happiness, and fulfillment will always begin by observing ourselves, from finding inner peace, figuring out your purpose, and pursuing it through hard work with the passion to commit in to our goal that will shape up our life. Without persistence and h ard work it is impossible to succeed. A life without direction could lead to a path of uncertainty and without contentment. Also a life without inner peace is a life without true happiness. To follow a life of success, happinessRead MoreEnglish Preliminary Speech : My Name Is Tom Hanaee1029 Words   |  5 PagesConference. My name is Tom Hanaee, C: And I am Christian Damiano. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. T: Now this quote may seem random and out of place, but it in fact reflects the entire purpose and conceptual focus of today’s presentation. This seminar revolves around the exploration of meaning and purpose in an individual’s life, specifically as a response to the Aristotelian quote ‘Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.’ This quote that mimics

Monday, December 9, 2019

Poetry Anthology Essay Example For Students

Poetry Anthology Essay I have enjoyed putting this anthology of poems together and I hope you enjoy reading them too. I intend to continue adding to the anthology as and when I find poems that I like. Michael Medieval 06 January 2015 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night,10th age should burn and rave at close of day;0 Rage,0 rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right,because their words had forked no lightning theyd not go gentle into that good night. Good men,0 the last wave by,0 crying how brighter frail deeds might eve danced in a green rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,and learn,0 too late,0 they grieved it on its way,do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men,0 near death,0 who see with blinding sightline eyes could blaze like meteors and be rage against the dying of the light. And you,0 my father,0 there on the sad bless,0 me now with your fierce tears,0 1 pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage,0 rage against the dying of the light. I chose this poem because it says that old men at the ends of their lives should resist death as strongly as they can. In fact,0 he says that they should only leave kicking and screaming,o trying to stay alive. As I read this I began to realize that maybe someone in his life is dying. On the sixth and final verse I realized that he is talking about his own father. The first time you read this poem you may not understand how thoughtful this poem is he refers to death as the night because death is associated with darkness and being isolated from other people. This poem is very meaningful because Dylan Thomas wrote a poem about his father dying and not only that but what he thought about it and how it effects him. This is showing that he is vulnerable and helpless. When I examined this poem closer I began to realize that this poem is not Just about death but about life and how we live it. Dylan Thomas tells the reader that when you die you should not do it without a fight. This poem can be split into 3 parts,0 the first is the introduction of the poets message,0 the next is the next for stanzas giving examples of what he is really feeling in the third part when we realize that he is talking about his father. In the first stanza,0 second line it says Old age should burn and rave at the close of ay;0 Rage,0 rage against the dying of that light and to me this is expressing that we should fight death and leave in glory. When he says light he means darkness which is often used as a metaphor for death. To me Dylan Thomas is a very inspirational poet and this particular poem shows this because it means he is not afraid to tell others what he is thinking especially on this emotional topic. I first discovered Dylan Thomas marvelous poems a few months ago when I went to Wales and visited the National Library of Wales Dylan Thomas was welsh and a folk hero there. 6 How do I love thee? Y Elizabeth Barrett Browning How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and bare and height My soul can reach,0 when feeling out of sight For the ends of and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday Most quiet need,0 b and candlelight. I love thee freely,0 as men might strive for Right;0 1 love purely,0 as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use I old grief,0 and with my childhoods faith. I love thee with a love I seemed t With my lost saints,o-l love thee with the breath,0 Smiles,0 tears,0 of all my and,0 if God choose,0 I shall but love thee better after death. This sonnet caught my attention because the the repetition of I love thee SSH the emphasis of her love. This is said eight times and reflects her passion all her constant feeling of love . Elizabeth Barrett Borrowings sonnet was written she married Robert Browning to express her intense love for him. Although it does not follow the precise rhyme scheme of an Italian sonnet,0 t poems structure follow the form of an Italian sonnet,0 consisting of an octave first eight lines,0 and the sestets,0 the final six lines. Sonnet 43 was her most f memos out of 44 that she wrote. From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson Faster than fairies,0 faster than witches,0 Bridges and houses,0 hedges and ditches;0 And charging along like troops in a battle All through the meadows the horses and cattle: All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving rain;0 And ever again,0 in the wink of an eye,0 Painted stations whistle by. Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,o All by himself and gathering brambles;o Here is a tramp who stands and gazes;0 And here is the green for stringing the daisies! "A Country Club Romance" by Derek Walcott and "Two Old Black Menace" comparison EssayI was a child and she was a child,0 In this kingdom by the sea,0 But we loved with a love that was more than love-? I and my Enable Lee-? With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that,0 long ago,0 A wind blew out of a cloud,0 chilling My beautiful Enable Lee;0 So that her highborn kinsmen came And bore her away from me,0 To shut her up in a sepulcher In this kingdom by the sea. The angels,0 not half so happy in Heaven,0 Went Ewing her and me-? Yes! -?that was the reason (as all men know,0 In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud by night,0 Chilling and killing my Enable Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we-? Of many far wiser than we-? And neither the angels in Heaven above Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Enable Lee;0 For the moon never beams,0 without bringing me dreams And the stars never rise,0 but I feel the bright eyes And so,0 all the night-tide,o I lie down by the side Of my darling-?my darling-?my life and my bride,0 In her sepulcher there by the sea-? In her tomb by the sounding sea. The story line of this poem is about a man writing about his beloved wife,0 their true love and how it cannot be broken. Even though she died,0 their love was still strong. They where still young when they realized that they were soul mates and their love lasted forever. They overcame all difficulties and he never lost hope believing their love transcends death. I like this poe m because it is also about how people cope with bereavement. Our Little Star by Anton Medieval You lie within your world,0 Thats strewn across your bed,0 Across the duvet,0 curled,0 On literature youve fed. Your phone,0 it gently sings,0 With friends whove lots to say,0 You stretch your mind and limbs,0 And push the books away. Amongst undigested poems,0 And a blue skater dress,0 You sleep the sleep of Angels,0 On a bed that looks a mess. My father wrote this poem for me when I was sitting on my bed writing this poetry anthology. I chose to include it in my anthology because the poem reflects the way I am and because he wrote it especially for me and this work. 24 Romance by Walter J Turner When I was but thirteen or so I went into a golden land,0 Chambermaid,o Isotopic Took me by the hand. My father died,0 my brother too,0 They passed like fleeting dreams,0 I stood where Apocalyptic In the sunlight gleams. I dimly heard the masters voice And boys far-off at play,0 Had stolen me away. I walked in a great golden dream To and fro from school-shining Apocalyptic The dusty streets did rule. 25 I walked home with a gold dark boy,0 At first I did not understand this poem but then I realized that a golden land meant that the sunshine of her life had 26 Winter by Shakespeare When icicles hang by the wall And Dick the shepherd blows his nail And Tom bears logs into the hall,0 And milk comes frozen home in pail,0 When Blood is nipped and ways be foul,0 Then nightly sings the staring owl,0 Tu-who;0 Tu-whit,0 TU-who: a merry note,0 While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. When all aloud the wind doth blow,0 And coughing drowns the parsons saw,0 And birds sit brooding in the snow,0 And Marinas nose looks red and raw When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,0 27 This poem describes an extremely cold winter and gives example of activities common at the time (e. G. Bearing and sawing logs) and conditions which only happen in winter (icicles hang by the wall,0 bird sit brooding in the snow,0 milk comes home frozen in pail). Shakespeare introduces us to the characters present in a way that helps us imagine what they are doing. My favorite line in the poem refers to Dick blowing on the cold nails of his freezing hands 28 Poetry is what? By Adrian Mitchell Poetry is a beautiful mud-pie Washed down with a glassful of stars. Poetry is one of the best ways Of singing to the whole wide world Or whispering in the ear of your best friend. Poetry tunnels you out of your dungeon. Poetry captures the three-headed dragon. And teaches it Loud and Frisbee-throwing. Poetry is a Mammoth in a shopping mall,0 A beggar with no legs in Disneyland.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Top-Tier Guide on How to Write an Essay About Love

Over the years, love has been considered to be a feeling that only a few people can comprehend, let alone correctly define it. There are as many definitions and understanding of love as there are people. However, in general, terms love is a strong emotion that binds a person towards someone else or a particular object.   It is often stated that love knows no boundaries, has no religion, color, ethnic background or gender. It is, therefore, a vast subject that most people find themselves researching to find the meaning or existence of love. This means that writing scholarly or personal topics about love would undoubtedly be a challenge if you are not prepared. In this article, we try to explore the various tips on how to write an essay on the topic of love and how they can help you improve the quality of your assignments. Do You Know What Is an Essay About Love? As we have said, love is a universal and robust feeling that people possess to make an attachment to other people and objects. Therefore, an essay about love should inform the reader much of what one feels toward another being or inanimate object. Recently students have been required to write academic assignments that exhibit passion or show evidence on the existence of love. Tips on How to Write a Good Essay About Love Before you even put pen to paper to write your love essay, poem or letter there are several factors you need to consider. These factors are designed to help guide you in the right direction. Below are some of the most critical factors that should not be ignored if you need to write an exemplary essay on love: Know your audience Before you start the writing process, you need to ask yourself, who is the target audience of the article? Once you have identified your audience, you will be to know the message you want to communicate. For instance, if you are writing a school essay focused on love, you will have to research and gain relevant information for use in your paper. Consider your intentions After you have identified the target reader for your essay, you need to define the purpose of your writing. You must ask yourself, what message do you want to share? What impact do the words have toward your loved ones? What reaction do you expect from the audience? What feedback do you expect? A love essay written towards your loved ones expresses your heartfelt emotional state toward them. Therefore, once you answer some of these questions, you will be able to convey the message in effectively. Brainstorm Due to the complexity of love, you must critically think of ideas you want to include in your essay on the topic of love. When brainstorming, think about the relationship between you and the audience and how you want to them to receive your message. Since love is a vast subject, you need to scale on precise ideas and avoid giving unnecessary details that are not relevant to the subject matter of the essay you are writing. Compile a draft When brainstorming for ideas to include on your love subject ensure that you have a pen and writing pad to scribe down all essential points you want to add. For instance, you may remember a good memory that is relevant to you and the audience — such a great idea you can write it down on the draft to avoid forgetting when creating a final copy. Practical Advice on How to Start an Essay About Love Start early to ensure that you have included all the information that you want to share with the loved ones. You also need enough time to review and proofread to ensure that you have covered all the points as well as removing spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. A well-edited document concerning love is not just clear and easy to understand, but it is also exciting to read. The Best Advice on How to Structure an Essay About Love Like any other essay writing, your article about love must have a basic outline with an introduction part highlighting the objective of the paper as well the attention-grabbing statement that will capture the audience attention. The article must also have a body part containing essential points you want to convey to the reader. The essay concerning love must also have an impressionable conclusion. An excellent essay about love structure will help you have a logical and coherent flow without rambling around on the topic. It will also help you organize your intended message in a clear, precise and understandable way. How to Craft an Essay About Love Introduction Similar to other pieces love articles must contain an exciting and captivating beginning. When writing a love essay, you are expressing your feeling towards another person. Your subject aims to ensure that your reader understands and appreciate the attitude towards them. One of the best ways to achieve this is by starting with a catchy introduction. In the introduction section, you indicate the intentions of the essay. When writing a love essay or any other article, it is essential to avoid using unnecessary wordings that are not essential to the main points supporting your objective. If youre experiencing any challenging in starting with the introduction, write it after the main points as well as the conclusion to ensure that you have captured all the essential information. What to Include on an Essay About Love Body After you have finished with the introduction, you can start by writing paragraphs containing the main points. These ideas must relate to the subject matter about the love essay. The best way of writing a body essay is to edit the draft copy since it contains all the ideas that you have gathered. In case you are writing a research paper about love, you can start with writing the main points and compose the introduction and the conclusion from what you have written. How to Formulate an Essay About Love Conclusion A crucial part of any article is its final part. Here you make a conclusion by summarising the objective and the ideas of the paper. Don’t just restate the primary purpose of your writing but also include some closing remarks that will invoke some memories and excitement to the reader. When writing a love-related essay or any other essay, you must start by developing a plan on how to complete the process in time. However, students have a lot of activities to do within minimal time. This can make you miss the submission deadline that can lead to being penalized. To avoid facing such severe consequences, you can request assistance from our professional writers. Our writers are competent and skillful individuals with extensive experience in writing high-quality academic papers. Therefore, if you are experiencing any time challenge and the deadline is almost due, contact us, and we will help you. Place an order now and let qualified essay writes assist you as you focus on other tasks in hand.