Monday, September 30, 2019

Automobile †Transport Essay

There are many different kind of transportation vehicles that changed people’s lives; including automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, and many more. I feel automobiles have affected the lives of Americans the most. They have made it possible for individuals to travel many miles a day. Before the automobile, people in cities had to take streetcars to get anywhere farther than they could walk. People who lived out of town had to get to work on trains. There are many different kind of transportation vehicles that changed people’s lives; including automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, and many more. I feel automobiles have affected the lives of Americans the most. They have made it possible for individuals to travel many miles a day. Before the automobile, people in cities had to take streetcars to get anywhere farther than they could walk. People who lived out of town had to get to work on trains. People who lived on farms or in small villages in the country would come into town maybe once a month in a horse-drawn wagon to do their shopping, but a horse couldn’t walk more than few miles. Automobiles provided greater mobility for people. They provided more choices to live. When choosing a job in the old days people tried to find homes that were closest to their work. Cars made it possible for people to move 20-30 miles or more from the city and drive in to work every day. Through my experiences getting to school from bus is a lot slower than cars. I can wake up a lot later if my dad drives me to school. Cars helped transportation become easier and faster. A person could be transported anywhere either by himself or with his family without stopping to rest to feed their horses. Families could sit in comfort while listening to music. However, cars have brought a negative effect on the world, like pollution from exhaust emissions. Cars also take up a lot of space including parking space and parking lots which replace many buildings. It is more dangerous to drive than to walk because of crashes. The ease of a drunken man driving a car is much more dangerous than a drunken man walking. Automobiles can be more dangerous but it provides a lot. Automobiles have had positive and negative effect on the world and changed many people’s lives. Traveling great distances is not much of a problem for people. It also bought time for many people; walking may take 30 minutes but by car it only takes five minutes. Without automobiles the world would be a whole different world. Roads wouldn’t be paved and traveling would be a great deal harder.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Merrill Finch Inc. Case Study Essay

Merrill Finch Incorporated is a large financial services corporation. As a newly hired financial planner for the company, I have been assigned the task of investing $100,000 for a client. The investment alternatives have been restricted to five options: T-Bills, High Tech, Collections, U.S. Rubber, Market portfolio, and a 2-Stock portfolio. The economic forecasting staff for Merrill Finch developed probability estimates for the state of the economy, and the security analysts have developed software to estimate the rate of return on each of these alternatives under each state of the economy. A chart showing the results of the analysis is in Appendix A of this report. Section 1 of this report begins with a discussion on the concept of Return. The calculations of each of the alternatives expected rate of return are also calculated and discussed. Section 1 then continues with the concept of Risk. Three different measurements of risk are discussed and calculated for each of the investment alternatives. The risk measurements discussed are the Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variance, and Beta Coefficient. Section 2 discusses some scenarios of different investment options. The first is of a 2-stock portfolio consisting of the investment of $50,000 into both High Tech and Collections. The expected return, standard deviation, and coefficient of variance are then calculated and discussed for this option. The second scenario is of a portfolio consisting of randomly selected stocks. The section concludes with a discussion of the risk involved with this random portfolio and how the addition of more random stocks to the portfolio would affect the risk. Section 3 discusses the Security Market Line (SML) Equation and how the SML would be affected if inflation expectations were to rise by 3 percentage points. Appendix B shows this equation and its use to calculate the required returns of each of the investment alternatives. The section is then concluded with a discussion of these calculations and how they compare to the expected returns calculated in section 1. Due to time constraints, probability distribution graphs for High Tech, U.S. Rubber, T-bills, and a portfolio of randomly selected stocks has been omitted from this report. Return Return is defined as the income that an investment provides in a year. When deciding on what type of market to invest in, it is wise to first look at each markets expected rate of return. The expected rate of return of an investment is the weighted average of the probability of all possible results. The expected rate of return of various investment options are shown in Appendix A of this report on page 6. For each option, the expected rate of return is calculated by multiplying the probability of the state of the economy by the corresponding estimated rate of return for that market, then taking the sum of these values. One of the invested alternatives for Merrill Finch’s client is Treasury Bills, or T-bills. These are a form of treasury securities issued by the United States Treasury. T-bills are said to be a risk-free investment, but in realty, there are no true risk-free securities. In regards to default risk, T-bills are risk-free because the Treasury must redeem them. Being that they must be redeemed, also shows that they are independent of the state of the economy. They are, however, susceptible to other forms of risk.  If the rates were to increase or decrease, T-bills would then be susceptible to reinvestment rate risk, the risk that they might not be able to be reinvested at the same rate. For this investment, the expected rate of return on T-bills is calculated to be 5.5% . High Tech and Collections are two other investment alternatives for the client. The expected rate of return is 12.4% for investing in High Tech and 1.0% for Collections. Investors might choose to invest in one of these two depending on how well they predict the economy will do. High Tech has a direct relationship with the movement of the economy. If the market is expected to increase, then this would be a good investment. Collections, however, moves in the opposite direction of the economy. If a decline is expected, then investors would use this as a hedge against the negative movement of the economy. The remaining alternatives for this client are to invest in U.S. Rubber, a market portfolio, and a 2-stock portfolio of High Tech and Collections. The expected rates of return are 9.8% in U.S. Rubber, 10.5% in a market portfolio, and 6.7% in the 2-stock portfolio. RiskAs we have already discussed above, no securities are truly risk-free. Depending on the nature of the investment, the type of investment risk will vary. The following sections discuss some of the different types of measurements that can be used to determine the amount of risk in an investment. †¢Standard Deviation. The standard deviation (ÏÆ') is defined as a statistical measure of the variability of a set of observations. The smaller the standard deviation, the lower the risk of the investment. It is calculated by taking the weighted average of the deviations from the expected value. This provides an idea of how far above or below the expected return the actual return is likely to be. The type of risk measured by the standard deviation is Stand-Alone Risk, which measures the undiversified risk of holding an individual asset. For this investment analysis, the standard deviation for T-bills is 0% , 20% for High Tech, 13.2% for Collections,  18.8% for U.S. Rubber, 15.2% for a market portfolio, and 3.4% for the 2-stock portfolio. †¢Coefficient of Variance. The Coefficient of Variance (CV) is a standardized measure of the amount of risk per unit of return. It is calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the expected return. The larger the CV, the riskier the investment. It is a better measurement of Stand-Alone risk than the standard deviation. This is because it includes the effects of both risk and return and allows for a closer evaluation of situations where investments have substantially different expected returns. This investment analysis shows the CV for T-bills to 0, 1.6 for High Tech, 13.2 for Collections, 1.9 for U.S. Rubber, 1.4 for a market portfolio, and 0.5 for the 2-stock portfolio. †¢Beta Coefficient. The Beta Coefficient a measurement of Market Risk. It shows the extent to which a given stock’s returns move up and down with the stock market. The Beta of an average stock is 1.0, but most have betas in the range of 0.5 to 1.5. Beta coefficients are calculated as the slope of a â€Å"regression line†, which represents the difference between a given stock and the stock market in general. The expected returns of a market are directly related to each alternatives market risk. In other words, the higher the rate of return of the alternative, the higher its beta coefficient. The estimated betas for each of the clients investment alternatives are shown in the chart in Appendix A. Considering the beta coefficients provided in this chart along with the other information that we have calculated, we do not yet have enough information to choose among the various alternativesWhen considering whether or not to invest in a particular alternative, one thing t o consider is portfolio diversification. An investors view of risk in an investment can be greatly affected by the diversification of their portfolio. The risks that can affect an undiversified portfolio may not be the same as those of a diversified portfolio. An undiversified investor may need to be more aware of the stand-alone risk and, therefore, closely monitor the alternatives Coefficient of Variance or standard deviation. These, however, may not be as relevant to a diversified investor because they are more concerned with the impact that a stock may have on the  riskiness of their entire portfolio rather than on its stand-alone risk. Aside from having higher risk, another drawback to having a portfolio containing only an individual stock is that you would not be compensated for your higher degree of risk. SECTION 2: Investment Alternatives2-Stock PortfolioOne of the investment alternatives for the client is a 2-stock portfolio. An option with this alternative would be to invest $50,000 into both High Tech and Collections. The chart in Appendix A contains the calculations of the various measurements of risk. The expected return on the 2-stock portfolio is 6.7%, the standard deviation is 3.4%, and the CV is 0.5. The riskiness of this alternative is different than that of the individual stocks if they were apart from one another. A major difference is in the measurement of the stand-alone risk. The stand-alone risk of the individual stocks is greater than that of a stock portfolio. This is because the two stocks have opposite reactions to the market. As the risk of one alternative increases, the risk of the other decreases, reducing the overall risk of the portfolio. Random Stock SelectionAnother investment alternative to consider might be to start a portfolio with one randomly selected stock, then randomly adding more and more stocks to this portfolio. Initially, the portfolio would have significant risk because it only contains one individual stock. As more stocks are added, the expected rate of return would remain the same, but the risk would be reduced due to the diversification of the risk through the various stocks. SECTION 3: Security Market LineThe Security Market Line (SML) equation shows the relationship between risk as measured by beta and the required rates of return on individual securities. Appendix B shows this equation and the calculations of the required returns for our various investment alternatives. Given an estimated risk-free rate of 5.5% and market return of 10.5%, the required rates of return were calculated at 5.5% for T-bills, 12.1% for High Tech, 1.15% for Collections, 9.9% for U.S. Rubber, and 10.5% for a market portfolio. These returns compare closely to the estimated returns in the chart in Appendix A. The required returns are equal to the  estimated returns for the Market Portfolio and T-Bills, showing that they are fairly valued. Required returns are greater for U.S. Rubber and Collections, showing that they are overvalued. The required return is lower for High Tech, showing that it is undervalued. The required return of a portfolio with 50-50 High Tech and Collections is calculated at 6.63%. For a 50-50 portfolio of High Tech and U.S. Rubber, the required return is 11%. If investors raised their inflation expectation by 3 percentage points over current estimates as reflected in the 5.5% risk-free rate, the SML would result in an upward shift of 3 percentage points. The required returns of both high and low-risk securities would also result in an increase of 3 percentage points. If investors risk aversion increased enough to cause the market risk premium to increase by 3 percentage points, the SML would then result in an upward rotation about the y-axis and the required returns of high-risk securities would increase.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Professor didnt give a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Professor didnt give a topic - Essay Example deduce from Since Socrates, Plato’s Crito who is an old friend of him went to visit Socrates that was sent to the jail where he was to be executed (Robert & Clancy, 2004). He was trying to persuade Socrates with his prepared plans that were in place and readied for his escape to another country. I believe the final goal or aim of the text is the obedience to the law. Socrates was sentenced to death by the laws that were misused by the people of the city of Athens. Crito tried his best to let the people who supported him to assist him in avoiding the death penalty by suggesting and pleading for escape plans or at least avoiding from being executed. Unfortunately, he largely declined every possible help he could have gotten and will not try to escape execution. He chooses to die with dignity, believing his own principles to keep strong the legal system. We dont laud however are exceptionally suspicious of individuals who are chilly and figuring Star Treks Dr. Spock, for instance. (A regular subject of contrast issues in a conceptual disasterfilms, for example, Invasion of the Body Snatchers is the delineation of overall "typical" people whose status as creatures is checked by their absence of feeling.) In Camus best-known novel, The Stranger, the odd focal character is recognized above all by his absence of emotion no anguish upon his mothers demise, no loathing in the vicinity of his bullhead, ooze ball pimp neighbor Raymond, no adoration in his cozy discussions with his sweetheart Marie, no alarm in the vicinity of a potential professional killer with a blade, no misgiving for a homicide that may effortlessly have been evaded. However it is this absence of feeling (which a large portion of my people discover "cool," even brave) that makes Meursault "a barbaric beast wholly without an ethical sense" in the expressions of the exces sively passionate prosecutor at his trial. It is our emotion that make us human (Solomon, 2009). To be sensible is to have the right

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

Reading Response - Essay Example The reading was also in accordance with some of my thoughts regarding some things I encounter in daily. People seem to assume that those living with disabilities have to be helped with everything and in everything they do. Helping them in their tasks can make them feel fewer humans or useless. As a result, I only offer help when it is necessary or when asked to do so. The reading reinforced my experience with deaf persons. For the few deaf people I have met in life, I hardly make any meaningful communication apart from greetings. Communicating with the deaf is problematic because I lack the knowledge and understanding of the sign language. The information presented about mobility impairment relates well with some things I have encountered in life. When I was young, my neighbor had a son who had impaired legs. The boy could not walk and his time at home. In fact, he never got a chance to move out of their home even when he got ill. His parents restricted him to his wheelchair and always spent his time in the house. When my mother would send me to take cards or other valuables to their home, I ensured that I met the boy and checked how he was doing. His parents, however, did not like people near him. Immediately after greetings, they would tell me that is enough and that Mike did not want disturbance. I would, however, see Mike’s need for friends in his eyes. His parents thought it was their mistake for having Mike. They thought having a child with a disability was a taboo and would be laughed at by the community.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assessing the Different Types of Derivatives Essay

Assessing the Different Types of Derivatives - Essay Example The major classes of derivatives are Futures/Forwards which are contracts to buy or sell an asset at a specified future date, Optionals which are contracts that give a holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a specified future date and Swappings where the two parties agree to exchange cash flows. Derivatives are often subject to criticisms such as large losses, counter-party risk, and unsuitably high amount of risk for small or inexperienced investors, large notional value and leverage of debt in the economy. In spite of these it has huge advantages such as facilitating the buying and selling of risk thus having a positive impact on the economic system. As former Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan commented in 2003 the use of derivatives has softened the impact of the economic downturn at the beginning of the 21st century. In this paper the pros and cons and the circumstances under which derivatives such as forward contracts, future contracts, spot contracts, call opti ons, hedging, interest rates swaps, currency swaps and credit swaps are used, are discussed.(Note: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Derivative(finance)) Forward Contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset (which can be of any kind) at a pre-agreed future point in time.As suggested by the International Journal of Sheep and Wool Science, volume 55(2007), results suggest that income stabilization and price risk management were the two major pros of the forward contract method although these were strongly overshadowed by the list of cons: pricing, complexity, dominance of the auction system and production risks. Allaz and Vila (1993) suggest that there is a strategic reason (in an imperfect competitive environment) for the existence of forward trading, that is, forward trading can be used even in a world without uncertainty In finance, a futures contract is a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Psychological theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Psychological theories - Essay Example The probability of an individual being born with certain personality features is very thin in the context of self theories. This implies that the diverse individual experiences that people in a society opens up a probability of having several personality types. Every individual has a specific and unique chance of building a different personality, based on their own experiences and interpretation of the experiences. This paper will analyze the applicability of the Person centered theory to African American women given that they are faced with several problems including racial and gender segregation. A classical self theory is as outlined in Carl Rogers’ theory; person centered theory, variously referred to as person centered theory. In his theory, Carl defines a person as the product of experiences and perceptions. If life is full of experiences, then it can comfortably be predicted to be learning and a growing encounter (integration of experiences into one’s life using perceptions). It is therefore easy to predict that the nature of experiences in different people’s lives could result in markedly similar or characteristic growth. In his theory, Carl makes assumptions to the effect that human beings can be trustworthy and have potential to resolve their problems when they understand themselves without interventions, which makes therapeutic intervention a highly influential part of molding clients. In order for the intervention therapy to take course and effect, there must be a positive attitude from the client’s part, as well as a good relationship between the therapist and the client. Proficiency in theory and counseling techniques was not important according to Carl, as it is for the therapist to understand the potential possessed by clients in their recovery. Apparently, it is the most powerful tool that a therapist can use, as opposed to the views of Bohart and Tallman (1999), (as cited in Corey, 2009,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Literature review - Essay Example cribe the previous Presidential elections The stakes in the election have been raised by the use of these terms, but the changes that have resulted from these elections have not lived up to the importance given to the election, save for a few of the Presidential elections that go back quite a way in time. Examples of these lie in the first Presidential election in 1789 that made George Washington the President, as it set the pattern of the four year tenure of the President; the 1800 Presidential election, which saw for the first time power changing hands from one political party to the other; the 1864 Presidential election that returned Abraham Lincoln to continue the fight, and bring to an end the stalemate in the Civil War; and the 1932 Presidential election that brought Franklin D. Roosevelt to power and the manner in which he changed the scope and power of the federal government. Now this election is being acclaimed as the most important election in history. There is a definite c hange that it might bring and that is in the form of the first African-American President. Other changes are promised, but they have to be delivered and be momentous for it to rank among the important elections in the history of the U.S.A. Democratic presidential candidate Obama received a surprise endorsement from the respected Republican retired General and former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who at one time was touted as a possible first African American President. Critics of this endorsement in the Republican Party have charged that this endorsement of Powell stems from the Obama being an African American, while his opponent Republican presidential candidate is white; his resentment of the present Republican President George Bush and the opportunism of Powell, with Obama leading in the opinion polls. Powell defends his endorsement of Obama saying that it is a well thought out move after assessing the two candidates, the initiatives that they will take as President, the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fair Values in the Preparation of Financial Statements Essay

Fair Values in the Preparation of Financial Statements - Essay Example Relevant Information Information needs to be relevant to the needs of users in order to serve its purpose. However, there are also other fundamental qualities that financial statements need to have. These qualities include comparability, faithful representation, consistency, completeness, understandability, and reliability (BPP 2009a). Information is useless if it is not reliable and in a number of cases, the values described as fair values in the accounts do not provide a reliable estimate of the value of assets and liabilities. According to Bath (n.d.) concerns also focus on this matter. It should also be noted the more reliable the information is the less relevant it will be. Relevant information has predictive value, feedback value, and timeliness. Reliable information is verifiable Comparability of financial statements Financial statements need to be comparable from one year to the next and between one company and another. However, even though fair values may be said to be curre nt and therefore more comparable, the fact that judgment needs to be exercised brings subjectivity into play. In addition to that, those judgments on which investors and other stakeholders depend have their own agenda. In some cases, they may exercise their judgment in such a way as to manipulate the accounts. This, therefore, brings us back to the reliability of the figures in the financial statements. ... Â  the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requires that the classification of financial instruments be recorded at fair value in a hierarchy consisting of three (3) levels. The first level (level 1) relates to quoted prices that have not been adjusted for identical assets and liabilities in active markets. The second level (level 2) relates to input prices but excludes quoted prices which are included in the first level and which can be observed directly for assets and liabilities, in the form of prices or in the form of derived prices indirectly. The third level relates to both assets and liabilities that are not based on market data that can be observed. IASB concluded that this would result in improvement for comparability purposes as well as assist in the convergence process of the IFRSs to the United States generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The basis that was given for that conclusion relates to the disclosures required by IFRS 7 and ASC having no differences in terms of their application. Khalik (2008) in his paper entitled ‘The case against fair value accounting’ indicated that its critics have suggested that in times of poor economic conditions fair value (FV) accounting leads to the generation of pessimistic assumptions that further result in significant reductions in asset values as well as major reductions in earnings because of the fact that unrealised losses are taken into account in the income statement.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The relation between planning , organising and leading Essay

The relation between planning , organising and leading - Essay Example Failure of these functions cause failure of the organization. Planning is the first tool and core area of all functions of the management. It acts as a base for all other functions to be built. Planning is nothing but a logical thinking of a planner to give shape for immediate and future needs to achieve the goals of the organization. Planning shows the present status of the organization and projects how it would look like in the future. It is a design of today for tomorrow’s action. Continuous planning development is imperative and enhances the organizational effectiveness and efficiency. It is subject to change because of both internal and external factors. Planning should be done by a qualified person in time and any delay can cause problems within the organization. The person makes the planning like a blue print anticipating the problems and incorporating the actions to avoid them. More management decisions are based on the planning. Planning can be made for short, medium and long terms as well as for inside-out, outside-in, top-dow n and bottom-up. The planning can be technical, organizational, tactical, operational, strategic etc. Organizing is the next basic function of the management that follows planning. It ensures for execution of plans and objectives achieved. It is a function that coordinates not only among human, physical and financial resources but between authority and task responsibility as well. Organizing clarifies who is supposed to do what and who reports to whom together with channels of communications. It is the responsibility of the management to organize and use all resources available for implementation of the course of actions and arrangement of materials envisaged in planning to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The organizing effectiveness depends much upon the degree to which the organization supports its people to achieve the goals and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pursuit of Happiness Essay Example for Free

Pursuit of Happiness Essay (The Misconception Between Success and Happiness: UNCOVERED!) From a very young age, we are taught that achieving specific milestones of success – getting good grades or even best if we can, getting into a famous university, having a prestigious career or title, having a certain amount of money saved in the bank, living in the perfect dream house, marrying the right person according to our personal perspective, and having talented or well-behaved kids later on will make us happy. The frustrating truth is that none of these things have anything to do with happiness, not even one. Right from the beginning, we have been confused that achieving these goals will bring us forth to the doorway of happiness. It has been inducted into our minds that the attainment of these milestones is the pursuit of happiness, but at the end of the line, we only got success – not happiness. For those who are contented to being just successful, let me ask you, â€Å"What happens when you reach the goal that you have been setting for?† â€Å"Do you feel really happy, elated, and ecstatic?†. . . â€Å"If yes, then for how long?† â€Å"How long do or could you maintain that heightened and elevated feeling of euphoria after you reach your goal?†. . . For most of us, the answer would probably be â€Å"very long,† but without the biases and cover-ups, the answer is really â€Å"not that much long.† Let us just say – a day, a week, or even a month or more. Then, â€Å"What happens when those feelings fade?† It would just appear that you are not that much pleased to have reached your goal, but not because the goal loses some of its meaning. It is just that we consider the part of achieving to being our happiness. And once the moment of achievement passes, we would be looking for the next goal, the next achievement, and the next pursuit of success – not happiness. In other words, we seldom spend time basking in the satisfaction of what we have achieved or what we already have before achieving anything. We tend to set another goal, and then the next, and the next. Sometimes it may feel that you will just become happy â€Å"when. . .† And when that condition is met, you will later find out that you are not really happy at all, at least not for that much long. Then you start looking for the next goal to pursue. This is a description of the pursuit of success – a false definition of happiness that depends on a never-ending string of  achievements. We can even pursue achievements that have little long-term meaning or even those that endures for a lifetime – a degree or title, but these secular goals will still not bring us to profound happiness. For those who are already having second-thoughts about being contended to being just successful, you might ask me, â€Å"So, what is happiness anyway?† or â€Å"What is my definition of happiness?†. . . For me, â€Å"It is not really that sense of euphoria; it is not pleasure, but something larger, deeper, emphatic, yet fundamental.† In other words, happiness is less an event and more an ongoing state of mind, and a way of focusing on the larger picture – the journey, the quality, and the essence of experiences. It is often about defining your values and purpose, and staying true to them. To increase your level of happiness, you do not need more â€Å"happy moments,† rather, you need a more positive outlook on all moments – a sense that t hey are part of the tapestry of a life well-lived, that they are consistent with your nature, that they are mirrors of who you really are. The greater truth is that success does not create happiness, but happiness can create success. Think about people who seem to attract success – not the ruthless competitors, but the ones you just naturally want to be around. Those people who seem to bring others up, those who find an opportunity in any circumstance, and those who are contented or even passionate about pursuing a personal goal. Given the choice between pursuing achievements to become happy and finding inner happiness and letting success come to you, which do you think is more successful? There are, of course many ways to have both achievements and happiness. The mistake is in assuming that success or achievement alone will bring you happiness. When achievements are connected to your core values, then happiness is built into your achievements – for achievements alone for their own sake seldom lead to happiness and often feels like an addiction for over-achievers who keep looking for that next goal in the hopes that it will be soul-satisfying and lead to ever-lasting happiness. Actually, the secret to happiness is not at all related to setting goals and achieving them. Happiness is a state of mind that allows you to be contented and appreciate each moment for what it brings, and to increase it by honoring your personal core values and purpose. The good news is that you can create happiness in almost any circumstance, even with the very basic and most natural situation. There is no really a need for us to set our goals to  things so far, all we have to do is appreciate the things we already have. Being satisfied for what we have may not bring our hearts to Heaven, but being contented to what God has bestowed upon us will certainly bring Heaven into our hearts. â€Å"Success is getting what you want; Happiness is wanting what you get.† – Ingrid Bergman

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Different Elements Of Identity

The Different Elements Of Identity At stake are questions about the linkages of different identity domains, how the various aspects of the self interconnect, and how various identities become active or inactive as people locate themselves in various social contexts (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009) Everyone needs to know who he or she is. This is a question about ones identity. Identity is a complicated and debatable termà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ It is a set of characteristics that belongs uniquely to somebody. It includes both changeable and stable aspects and is influenced by both outside and inside factors. Ones identity consists of three basic elements: personal identity, family identity and social identity. Each of these elements is determined by individual circumstances (Wetherell et al 2008). First of all, personal identity is about ones moral beliefs and self values. It is showed in the decisions one makes, the way they talk to themselves and the different goals they have achieved in their lives (Wetherell et al 2008). Most people have a standard for right and wrong. People doing the right things would grow honesty and integrity (St Louis 2009). On the other hand, if a person keeps on doing things that they believe to be wrong, they may start to believe they are not to be trusted. These choices will have huge effect on how people consider themselves; this is called sense of worth (Nolan and Rudenstein 2009). Communicating with themselves, people do self-talk (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009) most of the time. This self-talk is an important way to build up the sense of how people consider themselves and their self-identity. Each person has their own standards and values. Each person judges how they are doing according to these criteria (Dyrenfurth 2009). Moreover, ones successes and failures will also affect personal identity (Dyrenfurth 2009). When people achieve their goals they feel accomplished and fulfilled (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). In contrast, if one fails there occurs a self-questioning (Nolan and Rudenstein 2009). Setting and fighting toward goals also makes people meet their limits, which helps find their abilities as well as limitations. This is important for ones self-identity (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). Second element is family identity. It is made up of the characteristics a person has been given along with the role in their family they have been born into (Wetherell et al 2008). Family identity builds up the cultural environment in which people will grow their knowledge of who they are. Scientifically, this is about DNA, which is unique to each and everyone. As well, the inherited traits (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009) one receives through birth determines both their mental and physical attributes. Some children may be gifted with high intelligence while others may suffer with an emotional, mental, or physical handicap (Crenshaw 1996, cited in Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). Although these nature born characteristics may have less impact during life experience, they will always have fundamental effects. The bearing on (Wetherell et al 2008) identity or say the role people are born into in their families has been well explored by many psychiatrists. There are many researches exploring the personal characteristics different roles of the family will have. Commonalities of people within each group (Wetherell et al 2008) can be explained by analyzing childrens behaviors in their families. The Firstborns (Wetherell et al 2008) are known to feel they have the responsibility to be the one to set an example in their family (Zylinska 2005, cited in St Louis 2009). While the youngest child of the family are often considered spoiled and not have to fight for as many rights as their older siblings. (St Louis 2009). Though these generalizations may vary in different families, they still impact on ones identity throughout life. Culturally family leads to the way of life one will go. Women and men have always considered having different roles in life (St Louis 009). This is determined in both gender roles and ethnic groups. For example, men are often taught to be the ones to earn money and in contrast, women are to be the homemakers. Men are natural to be tough and unemotional while women are caring and sensitive (Wetherell et al 2008). On ethnic stage, education is one of the most significant aspects in some cultures, while athletic ability or beauty is more important for others (Duany 2003, cited in Nolan and Rubenstein 2009). These are all cultural influences one would receive to build up their sense of identity. . . . the question, and the theorization, of identity is a matter of considerable political significance, and is only likely to be advanced when both the necessity and the impossibility of identities, and the suturing of the psychic and the discursive in their constitution, are fully and unambiguously acknowledged'(Hall 1996, cited in St Louis 2009). Finally, social identity is about ones world around them. It includes what one believes others feel about them and how one believes they fit within their society (Wetherell et al 2008). It is largely influenced by factors such as ones working class, monetary value, education level, and popularity (Dyrenfurth 2009). Owning a company compared to working at the bottom floor of a company creates a different sense of power and security (Nolan and Rubenstein 2009). Positions in employment can impact on the community one lives in and the respect they receive. This is how it impacts on the power and respect one believes they have (Nolan and Rubenstein 2009). This also affected by monetary conditions, as people with wealth are often given the same power and respect in society. A well-dressed person will be more intently listened to in public than one who is poor and in broken clothes. This will transfer over to the sense of worth people feel they have (Dyrenfurth 2009). Moreover, the level of education one experiences effects the belief of ones ability. Society as a whole enforces the separation (Wetherell et al 2008). Many community and business positions require a formal education record without giving exploration to the experiential background of candidates. This may cause one to believe they are more or less equipped, brighter or slower depending on the level of education received (St Louis 2009). Last but not least, ones popularity in society is among the greatest influences upon social-identity. To be popular or not in determined by many aspects. One can hold or lose popularity by showing their charm, good will, humor, intelligence, power, social standing, wealth, beauty and so on. Being liked or not is based on these qualities, which may highly likely cause one to re-evaluate the qualities they believe they have and their elf value and self-identity (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). Peoples feel of their self-identity will change during their social experiences. In conclusion, with such individuality and uniqueness, it is without a doubt to say identity is complex, but it is also simple to see aspects from where self-identity is gained. Self-identity shifts throughout life with influences of family, personal, and social factors. In the end, ones identity is built up of a set of characteristics that one finds are uniquely belong to oneself.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Changes In Democracy: From Early Athenian To Present Day Politics Essay

Democracy: From Early Athenian To Present Day Politics. When following current events we can’t help but witness politicians use terms such as â€Å"defending freedom†, â€Å"liberty†, or â€Å"democracy†, but one is simply left wondering if the general public, or even the politicians themselves, know what those terms really mean or where they come from. The reality is that most don’t. The ideals of living in a democracy have been drastically changed from their original meanings and diluted into persuasive political language to become mere rhetoric as opposed to meaningful concepts of ethical and moral value.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The word democracy is thrown around to make convincing, patriotic speeches that many times are utilized to usurp the rights and property of peoples in the name of this most sacred of political concepts in the history of western civilization. In order to better understand the true meaning of this idea we must go back to its roots and search for the original intentions behind it. We must find the similarities and differences between Greek democracy and modern day democracy. By separating the two we can see how distant they are from each other. Without a clear understanding of the history involved we are easily blinded by the eloquence and charisma that politicians utilize to control the populace.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Democracy dates back to the Golden Age of Greece or the Classic Period. Not yet an organized, centralized nation Greece was made up of warring city-states none of which possessed full control over its neighbors. During this period and under these circumstances there was a tremendous advancement in Greek thought encompassing philosophy, politics, medicine, mathematics, and the sciences to name just a few areas of influence that still maintain a strong Greek legacy today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of all the Greek city-states it was Athens that gave birth to many of the political philosophies that still survive today. At around 600 B.C.E Athens was in severe economic, social, and political crisis. It was then that a rich aristocrat named Solon emerged to produce for Athens its first comprehensive set of political rules and regulations, overhauling the constitution, reining in the plutocrats, and giving decent measure of power and responsibility to the moderately well-off non-aristocrats. He also provided some legal... ...of a city (Minogue, p.11).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unfortunately we have not kept the best of these ideas. In modern day politics rationality is no longer paramount. It is the reason we see the influence of politicians full of arrogance, believing in the superiority of their own authority trying to amass power through the use of the ancient Greek political concepts. Modern day politicians, mostly American, attempt to use emotion, not reason when addressing the American people. It is with great sadness that as we have witnessed with the last election this notion succeeded and now under the banner of â€Å"values† and fear will exploit the ignorance of the general public. Cartledge, Paul. The Greeks: Crucible of Civilizations. New York: TV Books, 2000 Freeman, Charles. The Greek Achievement: The Foundation of The Western World. New York: Viking Penguin, 1999 Martin, Thomas, R. Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric To Hellenistic Times. London: Yale University Press, 1996 Minogue, Kenneth. Politics: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995 Pomeroy, Sarah, et al. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Drug Abuse :: Substance Abuse Essays

Drug abuse takes a toll on society that can only be partially measured. While we are able to estimate the number of drug-related crimes that occur each year, we can never determine fully the extent to which the quality of life in America’s neighborhoods has been diminished by drug-related criminal behavior. With the exception of drug-related homicides, which have declined in recent years, drug-related crime is continuing at a strong and steady pace. Numerous Drug-Related Arrests Occur Each Year. In 1994, state and local law enforcement agencies made an estimated 1.14 million arrests for drug law violations. The largest percentage of these arrests were for drug possession (75.1 percent).45 Arrestees Frequently Test Positive for Recent Drug Use. The National Institute of Justice Drug Use Forecasting (DUF) program calculates the percentage of arrested individuals whose urine indicates drug use. In 1995, DUF data collected from male arrestees in twenty-three cities showed that the percentage testing positive for any drug ranged from 51 percent to 83 percent. Female arrestees ranged from 41 percent to 84 percent. Among males, arrestees charged with drug possession or sale were most likely to test positive for drug use. Among females, arrestees charged with prostitution, drug possession or sale were most likely to test positive for drug use. Both males and females arrested for robbery, burglary, and stealing vehicles had high positive rates.46 Drug Offenders Crowd the Nation’s Prisons and Jails. At midyear 1996, there were 93,167 inmates in federal prisons, 1,019,281 in state prisons, and 518,492 in jails.47 In 1994, 59.5 percent of federal prisoners were drug offenders48 as were 22.3 percent of the inmates in state prisons.49 The increase in drug offenders accounts for nearly three quarters of the total growth in federal prison inmates since 1980. Most drug offenders are imprisoned for possessing more drugs than possibly could be consumed by one individual distributing drugs or committing serious crimes related to drug sales. In 1995, for example, only 4,040 people were sentenced in federal courts for marijuana-related charges; 89.1 percent of those offenders were facing trafficking charges.50 Inmates in Federal and State Prisons were often under the Influence of Drugs when they Committed Offenses. A 1991 survey of federal and state prisons, found that drug offenders, burglars, and robbers in state prisons were the most likely to report being under the influence of drugs while committing crimes. Inmates in state prisons who had been convicted of homicide, assault, and public order offenses were least likely to report being under the influence of drugs.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Assimilationism vs. Multiculturalism Essay example -- Assimilationism

Assimilationism vs. Multiculturalism In the words of Thomas Bray, "Should we "assimilate" to one standard, or should we "celebrate" diversity?" This is a popular question in America's classrooms today. America, known as the melting pot, is made up of many different colors, races, religions, and beliefs. American professors, journalists, and authors would like to know if multiculturalism has a positive effect on children in today's classrooms. Whether or not the student's way of life and personal experiences should be discussed in class is a major issue. Maxine Hairston, a Professor of Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Texas at Austin, writes of her experience with teaching in a multicultural classroom. Hairston is a strong supporter of children writing on their background, culture, and way of life. She feels that this enhances the classroom's atmosphere. Maxine Hairston writes, "Gradually their truths will change, but so will ours because in such a classroom one continually learns from one's students." Living in a particular way all one's life can cause views and opinions on certain subjects, but when put into a classroom with other students, it decenters one's ideas. Hairston wants the classroom to be designed around the students. She states, "These students bring with them a kaleidoscope of experiences, values, dialects, and cultural backgrounds that we want to respond to positively and productively, using every resource we can to help them adapt to the academic world and become active participants in it." Hairston wa nts students of every race, color, religion, and belief to learn about writing while learning about others. Thomas Bray, a Detroit News Columnist, writes an editorial on the California sch... ...guistics, and is a successful author. Looking at three different perspectives of multiculturalism I see how important it is to welcome new ideas and people into my world. Although, like most things in life there must be a line drawn somewhere. If sharing your personal experiences, ideas, and beliefs makes you uncomfortable then by no means should you be punished for it within a classroom. Every person has a right to learn no matter what their race, religion, gender, or belief. And for that our national meting pot should keep on melting together to form an educated nation. Works Cited Bray, Thomas. "Memorial Day and Multiculturalism." Detroit News 24 May 1998. Hairston, Maxine. "Diversity, Idealogy, and Teaching Writing." College Composition and Communication 43.2 (May 1992): 179-195. Tan, Amy. "Mother Tongue." Three Penny Review. 1990.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process

Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process Prepared for Professor Suresh Radhakrishnan SPHR, MBA BUS 346 Business Communication San Fernando Valley Campus, Burbank, CA Prepared by Isaac Lowe 03-13-13 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ii 2. Overview of Compstat †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 3. Four Compstat Principles †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 4. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has established a uniform Crime Reporting †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2 5. Computing Year to Date (YTD) Weekl y Averages †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 6.Creating the Crime Summary Report †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3 7. Analysis of Crime Data and Strategies †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 8. Crime Summary Report †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 9. Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 10. References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 9 List of Illustrations Figure 1 Crime Data Chart †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 Figure 2 Year to Date Crime Data Chart †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 i Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process Executive Summary Law enforcement has developed strategies to reduce crime by analyzing crime data.Law enforcement has named this crime reduction strategy as the Compstat process. The Compstat concept analyzes the number and location of crimes and arrests as well as an analysis of suspects, victims, days and times to identify crime patterns, clusters, suspects and hot spots. There are four Compstat principles that are in place to ef fectively reduce crime. To reduce crime by analyzing the crime data, a Crime Summary Report and Crime Maps need to be produced so law enforcement can analyze the crime data. When creating the Crime Summary Report, you will need to compute Year to Date (YTD) Weekly Averages.Once you have the YTD weekly average, you can examine your current crime data to see if crime is increasing or decreasing. By comparing the current crime to the previous amount of crime you can see if crime is up or down and determine if the crime reduction strategies in place are working or if adjustments need to be made. The Compstat process and the Crime Summary Report are tools used for crime reduction. ii Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process1 Overview of Compstat Law enforcement has developed strategies to reduce crime by analyzing crime data.Law enforcement has named this crime reduction strategy as the Compstat process. The Compstat process was developed by former New York Police Depart ment (NYPD) Commissioner William J. Bratton in the 1990’s. Compstat, stands for â€Å"Computer comparison statistics,† and is a system for managing police operations. The Compstat concept has been used widely in the law enforcement community in many different forms. The Compstat concept analyzes the number and location of crimes and arrests as well as an analysis of suspects, victims, days and times to identify crime patterns, lusters, suspects and hot spots. Law enforcement will create strategies to address the crime and implement it as quickly as possible. Law enforcement will consistently review, analyze the results and then repeat the process. This Compstat process can lead to the reduction of crime. Four Compstat Principles There are four Compstat principles that are in place to effectively reduce crime. The first principle is â€Å"Timely and Accurate Intelligence† which is knowing what crime is happening in your area. The Second principle is â€Å"Effect ive Tactics† which is having a game plan.The third principle is â€Å"Rapid Deployment† which is reacting quickly to where the crime is happening. The final principle is â€Å"Relentless Follow-up and Assessment† which is analyzing the results and making changes if needed. The first Compstat principle of â€Å"Accurate and Timely Intelligence† is to collect crime data in real time. Analysis the crime data and take action on identified crime trends. The crime data needs to be as accurate as possible. Without accurate and real time crime data, law enforcement will not be as effective in combating crime and implementing crime reduction strategies.Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process2 The second Compstat principle of â€Å"Effective Tactics† is the development and implementation of crime reduction strategies based on the real time accurate intelligence that was gathered. Law enforcement needs to deploy specific resources and proacti ve strategies to target the crime problem. The third Compstat principle of â€Å"Rapid Deployment† is to quickly deploy crime fighting resources and implement strategies to the target area. Law enforcement needs to deploy its resources to where the crime is occurring now.The fourth Compstat principle of â€Å"Relentless Follow-up and Assessment† is to assess the implementation of the strategies had on target area and analyze the results. By analyzing the strategies and reviewing the results, law enforcement can see if the strategies are working. This review process will help law enforcement improve and make real time adjustments to the strategies in place. FBI Established Uniform Crime Reporting To reduce crime by analyzing the crime data, a Crime Summary Report and Crime Maps need to be produced so law enforcement can analyze the crime data.The Crime Summary Report is divided into a summary for each individual crime. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has estab lished a uniform Crime Reporting Program which are Criminal Homicide, Forcible Rape, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Larceny-Theft, Motor Vehicle Theft and Arson. These crimes are also known as â€Å"Part One† crimes. Computing Year to Date Weekly Averages When creating the Crime Summary Report, you will need to compute Year to Date (YTD) Weekly Averages. To do this, you will examine the collected crime data and see what the total number was for the specific crime that you are going to examine.Take that YTD total number for that specific crime and divide it by the total week’s crime data of that specific crime. The outcome will be the YTD weekly average. Once you have the YTD weekly average, you can examine your current crime data to Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process3 see if crime is increasing or decreasing. Here is an example of the weekly average formula that you will use when computing the crime data for each specific crime: YTD Crime Total (137 ) / Crime Total for the week (7) = YTD Weekly Average (19. ). This formula will be used throughout the Crime Summary Report to obtain the YTD Weekly Averages for each crime summary. Creating the Crime Summary Report To start creating the Crime Summary Report, first, impute the 2012 and 2013 YTD Part One Averages on the top of the report so you can see the overall crime trend. Second, create a Crime Data Charts from the collected Crime Data. Next, provide an overall summary of all Part One Crime Data. Then give a summary of the Part One Violent Crime summary and Part One Property Crime Summary.Next, provide a brief summary of the each individual crime within Part One Violent and Part One Property Crimes. This brief summary will include an Analysis of the crime data and a Strategy of how to target the current crime problem. Analysis of Crime Data and Strategies The Analysis section of the Crime Summary Report is where you will be analyzing the crime data. By examining the Crime Maps o f where the crime occurred and the Crime Data you will be able to provide a written summary of the crime trend. In Analysis section you will also be using the weekly average formula to help you examine the Crime Data.The Strategies section of the Crime Summary Report is where you will be explaining your strategies to combat the current crime trends. The following is a Crime Summary Report that I have completed for the 9th week of 2013, ending 03/02/13,that can be referred to for an example. Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process4 Crime Summary Report 9th week of 2013 ending: 03/02/2013 20132012 Average Year to Date (YTD) Weekly Part 1 Crime Totals:65. 576. 0 [pic] Figure 1: Crime Data Chart [pic] Figure 2: Year to Date Crime Chart Part One Crime SummaryPart-One Crimes (61) were above the week prior and are below the 2013 Year To Date (YTD) Weekly Average and below the 2012 YTD Weekly Average. There were (3) gang related Robberies and there Reducing and Analyzing C rime Through the Compstat Process5 was (2) gang related Aggravated Assaults this week. The central portions of the Division continues to account for the majority of the part one crime. Part One Violent Crimes (27) were above the week prior and are above the 2013 YTD Weekly Average of (21. 1) and above the 2012 YTD Weekly Average of (22. 2). Robberies increased this week and were mainly in central portion of the Division.Aggravated Assaults increased this week and were mostly spread out through the central portion of the Division. There were no Rapes and Homicides this week. Part One Property Crimes (34) were below the week prior and are below the 2013 YTD weekly average of (44. 6) and below the 2012 YTD Weekly Average of (53. 7). This week BTFV’s decreased with no major clusters. GTA increased slightly this week and were mainly spread out through the western portion of the Division. Burglaries decreased this week with no major clusters. Thefts increased this week and there wa s a small cluster in the central portion of the Division.Part One Violent Crime Summary HOMICIDE: 0 Analysis:None. Strategies:None. RAPE: 0 Analysis:None. Strategies:None. ASSAULTS: 11 Analysis: Aggravated Assaults are above the 2013 weekly average of (7. 1). Aggravated Assaults increased this week and were mainly in the central portion of the Division. Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process6 Strategies: Request patrol & specialized units to continue drinking in public enforcement in directed areas. Officers will be directed to specific areas as needed to suppress the Aggravated Assault problem. ROBBERY: 16 Analysis:Robberies are above the 2013 Weekly Average of (13). Robberies increased this week and were mainly in the central portion of the Division. Strategies: Officer will be directed to specific areas as needed to suppress the Robbery problem. Request Gang Unit to enforce on all gang related crime. Narcotic Unit will conduct undercover operations to specific areas where the Robberies are occurring. Part One Property Crime Summary GRAND THEFT AUTO: 8 Analysis: Grand Theft Auto (GTA) are above the 2013 Weekly Average of (7. 6) and were mainly spread out through the western portion of the Division. Strategies:Officers will be directed to specific areas as needed to suppress the GTA problem. Officers will continue to receive updated GTA stolen vehicle list. The License Plate Recognition Vehicles will continue to be deployed in designated areas. Rampart Special Problems Unit (SPU) and Auto Detectives will also arrange a Bait Car Operation when the bait car is available. BURGLARY THEFT FROM VEHICLE: 4 Analysis: Burglary Theft From Vehicle (BTFV) are below the 2013 Weekly Average of (15. 0). This week BTFV’s decreased with no major clusters. Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process7 Strategies:Officers will be directed through the daily mission to suppress the BTFV problem. Senior Lead Officers will continue the â€Å" Lock it, Hide it, Keep it† flyer campaign. Detectives will utilize Social Media to reach and educate as many community members as possible. Auto Detectives will arrange a Bait Car Operation when the bait car is available. BURGLARY: 2 Analysis: Burglaries are below the 2013 Weekly Average of (4. 6) with no major clusters. Strategies: Officers will be directed through the daily mission as needed to suppress the Burglary problem.Senior Lead Officers (SLO) will continue the â€Å"Lock it, Hide it, Keep it† flyer campaign. Detectives will utilize Social Media to reach and educate as many community members as possible. THEFTS: 20 Analysis: Thefts are above the 2013 Weekly Average of (17. 3) and were mainly spread out through the Division with a small cluster in the central portion of the Division. Strategies: Officers will be directed through the Daily Mission as needed. The decoy car will continue to be deployed in the major shopping centers. Officers will continue to drive through major parking lots of the shopping centers.SLO will continue to walk through businesses on a daily bases and continue to meet with the personnel. The Bike Unit will provide high visibility patrol in the parking lots of the shopping centers. -End of Crime Summary Report- Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process8 After reading the Crime Summary Report we can see how through analyzing the Crime Data and Crime Maps we are able to effectively write a written summary of the crime trends. Furthermore, we are able to analyze our strategies to see if they are effective. The Crime Summary Report gives us a comprehensive account of the current crime trends.Conclusion In conclusion, to successfully reduce the incidence of crime, it is done through comparing the numbers of the current crime to the previous amount of crime. Whether crime is up or down, will help determine if the crime reduction strategies are working or if adjustments need to be made so a different approa ch can be implemented. The Compstat process and the Crime Summary Report are tools used for crime reduction by counting, comparing and mapping crime data for law enforcement to analyze. Reducing and Analyzing Crime Through the Compstat Process9 References Los Angeles Police Department’s Compstat Unit. 2010, March 09). The Compstat Process – Managing Crime Reduction on the LAPD. George Gascon. (2006, January 25). Compstat Plus. David Weisburd, Stephen D. Mastrofski, Rosann Greenspan, and James J. Willis. (2004, April). The Growth of Compstat in American Policing. LAPD Website. Compstat process information Retrieved March, 08, 2013, from http://www. lapdonline. org William J. Bratton and Sean W. Malinowski. Police Performance Management in Practice: Taking COMPSTAT to the Next Level Vincent E. Henry. (2002) A comprehensive study of Compstat in police history and reform

Vegetables: Nutrition and Food

Vegetables A vegetable is a part of a plant consumed by humans that is generally savory but is not sweet. A vegetable is not considered a grain, fruit, nut, spice, or herb. For example, the stem, root, flower, etc. , may be eaten as vegetables. Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals; however, different vegetables contain different spreads, so it is important to eat a wide variety of types. For example, green vegetables typically contain vitamin A, dark orange and dark green vegetables contain vitamin C,and vegetables like broccoli and related plants contain iron and calcium.Vegetables are very low in fats and calories, but ingredients added in preparation can often add these. [edit]Fruits In terms of food (rather than botany), fruits are the sweet-tasting seed-bearing parts of plants, or occasionally sweet parts of plants which do not bear seeds. These include apples, oranges, plums, bananas, etc. Fruits are low in calories and fat and are a source of natural sugars, fiber and vitamins. Processing fruits when canning or making into juices may add sugars and remove nutrients. The fruit food group is sometimes combined with the vegetable food group.Note that many foods considered fruits in botany because they bear seeds are not considered fruits in cuisine because they lack the characteristic sweet taste, e. g. , tomatos or avocados. [edit]Oils The food pyramid advises that fats be consumed sparingly. Butter and oils are examples of fats. Healthy sources of fat can be found in fish, nuts, and certain fruits and vegetables, such as avocados. [edit]Dairy Dairy products are produced from the milk of mammals, most usually but not exclusively cattle. They include milk, yogurt and cheese.Milk and its derivative products are a rich source of dietary calcium, but also provide protein, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin D. However, many dairy products are high in saturated fat and cholesterol compared to vegetables, fruits and whole grains, which is why skimmed pro ducts are available as an alternative. For adults, three cups of dairy products are recommended per day. [8][9] [edit]Meat and beans Meat is the tissue – usually muscle – of an animal consumed by humans. Since most parts of many animals are edible, there is a vast variety of meats.Meat is a major source of protein, as well as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Meats, poultry, and fish include beef, chicken, pork, salmon, tuna, shrimp, and eggs. The meat group is one of the major compacted food groups in the food guide pyramid. Many of the same nutrients found in meat can also be found in foods like eggs, dry beans, and nuts, such foods are typically placed in the same category as meats, as meat alternatives. These include tofu, products that resemble meat or fish but are made with soy, eggs, and cheeses.For those who do not consume meat or animal products (see Vegetarianism, veganism and Taboo food and drink), meat analogs, tofu, beans, lentils, chick peas, nuts and other hi gh-protein vegetables are also included in this group. The food guide pyramid suggests that adults eat 2–3 servings per day. One serving of meat is 4 oz (110 g), about the size of a deck of cards. 1. Natural appetite suppressant In case you are wondering if this means you should replace your regular meals with gallons of water, no.When our bodies are dehydrated, it can sometimes misinterpret thirst for hunger. In the stressful office environment that we work in, we will usually reach out for a cup of coffee or grab anything sugary so it can both give us a quick boost in energy and at the same time curb what we believe is hunger. Since what our body is truly looking to be hydrated instead of being fed, this false signal of hunger will soon come back resulting in you indulging in a lot of unnecessary snacking. We all know what the outcome of that is going to be.When you have a bottle of water at your desk, you have a higher tendency to drink it than if you had to constantly get it from the pantry. So at the start of the work day, keep a one liter bottle of water at your desk and aim to finish everything by lunchtime. After lunch, replenish that bottle and aim to finish it before you finish for the day. For all you coffee drinkers, don't think for a second that all those coffee you drink is enough to hydrate your body. Caffeine is a diuretic that actually dehydrate you. So coffee drinkers should actually drink more water instead. . Improves Fat Metabolism Our liver is an amazing organ that is responsible for metabolizing fat amongst many other important functions such as cleansing your body of toxins, breaking down alcohol, etc. Metabolizing fat basically means converting fat to be used as energy. Drinking water helps weight loss by ensuring your liver is metabolizing fat properly. When your body is dehydrated, your kidney functions are affected. If your kidneys cannot perform properly, the liver steps up to take on its duties and hence becomes overloaded. When that happens the liver won't be able to help you burn fat effectively. If you exercise and don't drink enough water, this will negate the fat burning benefits of your workouts altogether. Never wait till you are thirsty to drink water. When your body has to signal thirst to you, that means you are already on the verge of dehydration and your liver is about to work overtime and in the process affecting your fat burning effectiveness. 3. Improve exercise performance Everyone knows that maintaining proper hydration is crucial before, during and after exercise.If you do not drink sufficient water, your blood thickens and it becomes harder for your body to transport oxygen and nutrients to your muscles to effectively perform your workouts. If you can't get the most out of your workouts, how are you going to burn fat efficiently? Furthermore, as your exercise, your body heats up. Without proper hydration, your body clings on to whatever little water it has. This means you will not be able to perspire and cool your body down during exercise resulting in your body overheating and in severe cases, leading to heat stroke.Before your exercise, aim to drink at least a tall glass of water. Keep a large bottle of water handy and drink it constantly during your exercise to keep yourself hydrated throughout the workout session. 4. Burn extra calories Drinking water helps weight loss by helping your burn extra calories as well. Scientists in Germany discovered that drinking at least 500 ml of water in one sitting increased our metabolic rate by 30% in 10 minutes. This increased metabolism will sustain for up to 40 minutes and during this time, 100 extra calories are burned.Aim to drink at least 2 liters of water when you are in the office to burn up to 400 extra calories a day. At the beginning, don't worry if you are suddenly visiting the washroom more often due to your increased water intake. This just means that your body is now able to release water that it has been k eeping in your body. As you continue to drink more water, your body will recognize that it doesn't have store water anymore and will now allowing for a better regulation of fluid within your body. We all know that water is life. It's no coincidence that drinking more water is always the advice we get whenever we are not feeling well.So before you reach out for the next â€Å"state-of-the-art† fat loss pill for the quickest way to lose weight, give drinking more water a try. And the answer to the commonly asked question, â€Å"Can  drinking water help weight loss? † will be very pleasingly evident to you. If you work in an office and can't seem to find time to lose weight, there are more great weight loss tips to show you how to get slim and the  quickest way to lose weight. Also, you can get your hands on the free fat loss starter kit that has helped many others lose up to 5 lbs in the first week.Visit corporatefatlossplan. com now! What is a healthy diet? | Hunter -gatherers living on their traditional diets are virtually free of heart, cancer and other degenerative diseases common in the western world. | | Since this article deals with healthy eating habits, a question remains to be answered: what constitutes a healthy diet? Unfortunately, there are more opinions about this than there are health experts. To further complicate the matter, dietary concepts change over time, leaving most people confused and uncertain about what or whom to trust.One solution to this problem is to become sufficiently knowledgeable about the relevant subjects and rely on reason to draw basic conclusions. Along with  personal experimentation, such approach will enable you to establish healthy eating habits that work especially well for your body. This takes time and requires discipline, but considering the long lasting benefits healthy eating can provide, the effort is more then well worth it. In order to determine the minimal basic requirements of a healthy diet , I concluded that it is safe to start with the following two objectives: 1. xamine human diet over time – the foods humans consumed since the arrival of our species. 2. examine diets of ethnic groups known for their good health. | The traditional living Okinawans and people from the other Ryukyu Islands have the highest longevity in the world. This is partly attributed to diet, but also to other factors such as lifestyle, genetics, and mental well being. | | Looking at the type of diets humans lived on through out  pre-history, provides good insights into the kind of foods human body is well adapted at utilizing and dealing with.Further, the diets of certain ethnic groups that are well known for good health – the  people of Okinawa  (Japan); traditional cultures in the  Mediterranean region; and many  hunter-gatherer  societies – suggest certain healthy eating habits that promote good health. Upon closer examination of the above mentioned objectives , two main denominators emerged: A) diets are based on natural, whole or minimally processed foods in accordance to heritage. B) diets are lower in calories compared to a typical western diet.In the context of present time, one can therefore make two general assumptions in regard to the question of what constitutes a healthy diet: 1) generally, the less a food is processed the better. 2) eat less – eat what is adequate, do not over eat. Food  is any substance[1]  consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of  plant  or  animal  origin, and contains essential  nutrients, such as  carbohydrates,  fats,  proteins,vitamins, or  minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells in an effort to produce energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth.Historically, people secured food through two methods:  hunting and gathering, and  agriculture. Today, most of the  food energy  consumed by the   world population  is supplied by the  food industry. Food safety  and  food security  are monitored by agencies like the  International Association for Food Protection,  World Resources Institute,  World Food Programme,  Food and Agriculture Organization, and  International Food Information Council. They address issues such as  sustainability,  biological diversity,  climate change,  nutritional economics,  population growth,  water supply, and  access to food.The  right to food  is a  human right  derived from the  International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights  (ICESCR), recognizing the â€Å"right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food†, as well as the â€Å"fundamental right to be free from hunger†. ————————————————- Food sources Global average daily  calorie  consum ption Almost all foods are of plant or animal origin. Cereal  grain is a  staple food  that provides more food energy worldwide than any other type of crop.Maize,  wheat, and  rice  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ in all of their varieties – account for 87% of all grain production worldwide. [2] Other foods not from animal or plant sources include various edible  fungi, especially  mushrooms. Fungi and ambient  bacteria  are used in the preparation of  fermented  andpickled  foods like  leavened  bread,  alcoholic drinks,  cheese,  pickles,  kombucha, and  yogurt. Another example is  blue-green algae  such as  Spirulina. [3]  Inorganic substances such as  baking soda  and  cream of tartar  are also used to chemically alter an ingredient. Plants Foods from plant sourcesSee also:  Herbs  and  spices Many  plants  or plant parts are eaten as food. There are around 2,000 plant species which are cultivated for food, and many have several distinct  cultivars. [4] Seeds  of plants are a good source of food for animals, including humans, because they contain the nutrients necessary for the plant's initial growth, including many healthful fats, such asOmega fats. In fact, the majority of food consumed by human beings are seed-based foods. Edible seeds include  cereals  (maize,  wheat,  rice,  et cetera),  legumes  (beans,  peas,  lentils,  et cetera), and  nuts.Oilseeds  are often pressed to produce rich oils –  sunflower,  flaxseed,  rapeseed  (including  canola oil),  sesame,  et cetera. [5] Seeds are typically high in unsaturated fats and, in moderation, are considered a health food, although not all seeds are edible. Large seeds, such as those from a  lemon, pose a choking hazard, while seeds from  apples  and  cherries  contain a poison (cyanide). Fruits  are the ripened ovaries of plants, including the seeds within. Many plants have evolved fruits that a re attractive as a food source to animals, so that animals will eat the fruits and excrete the seeds some distance away.Fruits, therefore, make up a significant part of the diets of most cultures. Some botanical fruits, such as  tomatoes,  pumpkins, and  eggplants, are eaten as vegetables. [6]  (For more information, see  list of fruits. ) Vegetables  are a second type of plant matter that is commonly eaten as food. These include  root vegetables  (potatoes  and  carrots), bulbs (onion  family),  leaf vegetables  (spinach  and  lettuce),stem vegetables  (bamboo  shoots and  asparagus), and  inflorescence vegetables  (globe artichokes  and  broccoli  and other vegetables such as  cabbage  or  cauliflower. [7] Dairy cattle  in  Maryland Animals Various raw  meats Main articles:  Animal source foods  and  Food chain Animals are used as food either directly or indirectly by the products they produce. Meat  is an example o f a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from  muscle  systems or from  organs. Food products produced by animals include  milk  produced by  mammary glands, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into  dairy products  (cheese,  butter, et cetera).In addition, birds and other animals lay  eggs, which are often eaten, andbees  produce  honey, a reduced nectar from flowers, which is a popular sweetener in many cultures. Some cultures  consume blood, sometimes in the form of  blood sausage, as a thickener for sauces, or in a  cured,  salted  form for times of food scarcity, and others use  blood  in stews such as  civet. [8] Some cultures and people do not consume meat or animal food products for cultural, dietary, health, ethical, or ideological reasons. Vegetarians  do not consume meat. Vegans  do not consume any foods that are or contain  ingredients  from an animal source.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Digital Media And Democracy Tactic

Transformation nowadays was at hand in different facet of our lives. Same with the instance in the field of media practices, everyone has the right to participate in this free trade of information. The query if this alteration in media can be utilized in forming social movements was at hand. Taking this into account, clearly we can say that new technologies can take us to another level. It is so powerful that it can contribute to the knowledge that we possess and it can even mold us to be someone we dream of becoming.Technologies absolutely provide us with lots of awareness and new ideas, â€Å"technology is offering us new standards, platforms and ways of expression† (Boler). In the interview with Boler, interesting topic that unravels the layers of expression through the use of technologies, blogging is one of the concepts that have been touch. Indeed, it connotes a new system of negating with other people. Of course there are a certain restrictions in making a blog for inst ance, but the focal point of everything is simply going deep with the material and exploring the new concept of technology, this is what can make us truly express our emotions.Using this medium we would be able to have a grip towards the different phenomenon in our realm. Globalization has a lot to do with the fuzz about the internet. Practically, the emerging technique of using the internet was said to expand the horizon of an individual. On the contrary, the effects of such was claimed by some to be alarming since it dominates liberalization and freedom of speech, â€Å"internet’s material properties are biased towards openness, liberalization, democracy, freedom of speech and communication† (Boler). Censorship on matters of exceeding within the limits of exhausting the internet should be inflicted.People who are engage in using the system should know the proper utilization. We know how powerful our new systems could get and we can never deny the fact that the improp er use of such could result into a serious matter of politics. Anything that is set to contain in any sites should be filtered in any way to increase the sensitivity of everyone. This extraordinary issue of technological upgrading should not be exploited to serve only one purpose; it is ultimately design for the common good and for the sake of everyone else.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

In part two of Silas Marner Essay

The readers are also told that that Godfrey is in fact, secretly married to Molly Farren, with whom he was a child. Dunstan is the only other person who is aware of this situation and blackmails Godfrey, threatening to inform the Squire, ‘how his handsome son is married to that nice, young women, Molly Farren, and was very unhappy that he couldn’t live with his drunken wife. ‘ (Chapter 3 pg 22) Godfrey fears the Squire finding out because he worries about losing his position of the upcoming squire, and also Nancy Lammeter, since he ‘must irrevocably lose her as well as his inheritance. ‘ (Chapter 3 pg 24) So although we are told that Godfrey is, ‘open-faced’ and ‘good natured’, he also could be considered as a very self – centered and self – serving character. He doesn’t face up to the consequences of his actions, and has secrets which he is not prepared to reveal incase they affect his current life style. Inside, he is very conniving and two faced. When Silas turns up at the Red House on New Years Eve, seeking a doctor, holding a little girl and revealing how a woman is injured in the snow outside, Godfrey knows straight away who it is and is shocked and afraid. He is worried that Molly will reveal his secret to the villagers. ‘There was a terror in his mind at that moment†¦ the women might not be dead. ‘ (Chapter 13 pg 99) He is more concerned with finding her dead than the possibility of saving her, because it will leave him free to marry Nancy, and his inheritance will be safe. Yet again to the villagers, Godfrey appears to have the best interest of the women in mind, by making sure she is not injured and to be assistance. However his inner thoughts betray his shallowness and his ultimate self – interest. ‘Deeper down†¦ there was a sense that he ought to except the miserable wife and fulfill the claims of the helpless child. But he had no moral courage enough to contemplate the active renunciation of Nancy as possible as him†¦ ‘ (Chapter 13 pg 101) Equally, his treatment of Eppie is also self – serving. Godfrey has the opportunity to claim her, but chooses not to. Silas says, ‘fill anybody shoes, they’ve got a right to take her from me,’ (Chapter 13 pg 102). His other opportunities include: Marrying Nancy (which he does); Starting a fresh, (which he does); having Eppie in the open, but still wedding Nancy, (Which he does not do) Godfrey is anxious but ultimately his attitude is that his life will be better in the future with Nancy if he leaves his secret behind, ‘if she is [dead]†¦ I shall be a good fellow in the future. ‘ (pg 101) Whereas Silas embraces Eppie, ‘It’s a lone thing†¦ and I’m a lone thing. ‘ (pg 102) This turns out to be a fundamental change in the lives of the two men. After 16 years, Silas’ life has changed enormously since taking on Eppie. He isn’t as shallow, and always worrying about money because he has a loving daughter who loves him. His work has slowed down, and he now socializes with the villagers, and has fashionably taken up smoking a pipe! More importantly, his faith has been restored, and is very content because he believes he has everything. Silas did not highly enjoy smoking†¦ but a humble sort of acquaintance in what was held to be good had become a strong habit of that new self which has been developed in him since he had found Eppie. ‘ (Chapter 16, pg 124) In comparison to Silas, Godfrey’s life hasn’t turned out so positively. He feels discontent that he hasn’t achieved anything in his life, because the use of ‘squire’ has stopped and he feels that he is less than his father. Unfortunately Nancy and he remain childless, and he has no heir. ‘I wanted to pass for childless once, Nancy – I shall pass for childless now against my wish’ (Chapter 20 pg 151) Godfrey finally admits to parentage because he wants to adopt Eppie, to be able to make her an heir, and continue the family name within the Red House. He wants his child to become a ‘lady’ and have a better life. Once more, even though this change may benefit Eppie, ultimately Godfrey’s reasons are self serving. Eppie’s response to Godfrey’s offer isn’t as he expected. She declines his offer, as she wants to remain with her ‘father’ that brought her up from a small child. She ‘doesn’t want to be a lady. ‘ Eppie wants to live in a way she is accustomed to, with different friends on the same social group as her own. Marrying Aaron would be forbidden if she was a lady, as he isn’t upper class. On the other hand, Eppie isn’t familiar with Godfrey, and doesn’t see him as a ‘father’. Eppie would be lost without Silas, as they do everything together they ‘drink from the same cup. ‘ Eppie fears of Silas going back to his old ways if she leaves him and wants to stay loyal to him, as he was the one who took her in as his own. ‘I cant feel as I’ve got any father but one†¦ I’ve always thought of a little home where he’d sit in the corner, and should fend and do everything for him: I cant think of no other home. ‘ (Chapter 19, pg 150) With the arrival of Eppie, both men’s lives have been changed in very different ways. Silas is content with his life, his faith has been restored and his social life is better than ever. Whereas, Godfrey is disappointed with the arrival of Eppie, as he had all he ever wanted until she arrived, and his secret had been kept safe until then. Silas’ life in Lantern Yard consisted of faith, love, trust and relationships. After being framed and removed from the church, he decides to move to Raveloe, where he isolated himself from the community. Then his gold was stolen from his home, by Godfrey’s younger brother Dunstan. While Silas is out, Eppie then appears on his doorstep on New Years Eve, after her mother left her while she was injured. Silas takes her in and cares for her as if she’s his own blood, believing she is a ‘gift from god’ to replace his gold. From the up bringing of Eppie, he manages to bring himself out of isolation and regain his faith, relationships, respect and love. Eppie was beneficial to Silas in more ways than one. In Godfrey’s life, though, his secrets are hidden from the beginning until Eppie arrives. When he realized it was Molly outside Silas’ house, he was more concerned with finding her dead than alive, to prevent his secrets from being published. The main opportunity was to claim Eppie, but at first, he thought that his life in the future would be better with Nancy if Eppie was remained unclaimed. Unfortunately Nancy is unable to have children and produce an heir for him. This is when Godfrey realizes, as her biological father, that she could be that upcoming heir he desperately needs, to prevent his name leaving the Red House as a ‘Squire’. Godfrey puts forward an opportunity to Eppie, for her to move in with himself and Nancy, as, ‘he would provide her with a better future. ‘ Eppie’s response isn’t as he expected – she says no! The reason is that Eppie doesn’t want to lead the life of a lady, and have to change the social group of which she is part. Eppie wants to remain with Silas and look after him until the end, just like he has cared for her. This choice of Eppie’s, has rewarded those who nurtured her – in this case, Silas. Overall, George Eliot wrote this book as a very moralistic novel. Silas deserved to be loved by Eppie as he provided her with a loving home, family and religion; all out of the goodness of his heart. So when Eppie decides she wants to stay with him, it rewards him and returns his gratitude. On the other hand, all of Godfrey’s choices were self – serving. In the beginning he had an opportunity to claim Eppie from Silas, but failed to, supposing that his life will be improved with Nancy, without the difficulties of Eppie. Later on in the novel, he recognizes he made the wrong decision, as Nancy is unable to produce any heirs to take his place. Once more his actions are convenient for him because, he now realizes that Eppie could take that that position. In spite of this when Eppie declines his offer, he deserves it, as in the past he has been a selfish coward. Therefore it proves that life can change, because of the path you choose to lead!!   Kate Martyn English Coursework! 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Do men or women have more uncomitted, heterosexual sexual intercourse Research Proposal

Do men or women have more uncomitted, heterosexual sexual intercourse - Research Proposal Example Social learning theory explains the double standard on uncommitted sexual intercourse on the basis of the cultural norm that punished or isolated women for behaving in a sexually permissive manner while men gain admiration and popularity for similar behaviors. On the basis of sexual learning theory, the pattern of sexual behavior is explained by sexual script theory. A 1982 research points out that women were more probable to label sexual behavior of other women as immoral to suggest that women support the double standard that they should have less sex or no sex in uncommitted relationships (Milhausen, R.R. & Herold, E.S. 1999 pp.361-368). Uncommitted sexual intercourse is a topic of interest in recent times due to the evolution of sex differences and their relationship to sexual attraction. A research led by Michael Bailey found that men in the past enhanced their mating opportunities by indulging in uncommitted, casual sexual encounters. With respect to this supposition, men have more frequent yearning for sex with new partners when compared to women. Further, men are more willing than women to indulge in impersonal and casual sex. On the basis of this argument, it is considered that women commit more resources for reproduction and they gain very less advantage from casual frequent sexual action unless it is an extra effort taken for occasional copulation with a superior male to improve reproductive success. The researcher points out that heterosexual man has a high desire for sexual activity with a number of sexual partners. While comparing the frequent sexual activity of women, Bailey and colleagues consider the f requent sexual activity of heterosexual women as accommodating to the demands of male partners rather than the women’s true yearning for frequent intercourse. Another explanation indicates that women generally are socialized in a way that they are assertive in prompting sexual

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Humans and The origins of civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Humans and The origins of civilization - Essay Example In Hebrew civilization, one god is worshiped and revered. The gods protect the society from plagues, misfortunes, thus offering assistance at all times. The gods are worshiped and revered. For instance, when plagues inflict Achaeans, they offer sacrifices in form of blemish goats and lambs to King Apollo in order to get protection. Consequently, when Job loses his wealth and children, he prays and offers sacrifices to god in order to seek forgiveness and protection. Job lost wealth and children as well as got attacked by a dreadful skin disease. However, he prayed and never lamented to God despite receiving pressure from friends. Instead of cursing and abusing God, he cursed the day his mother conceived him as well as the day he was born (King James Version, Job. 1. 3 - 15). Therefore, Job prays to his God while Atrues prays to Apollo who is the god of silver bow. Consequently, Job offered sacrifices to God on learning of the misfortune on his family. Consequently, Greeks consider pe rsistence of plagues as result of continuous provocation of god just like the Hebrews. Moreover, Goddess Minerva tells Achilles to obey the command from the two gods since they hear prayers from people who obey their command (Homer, 2). Agamemnon, the son of Atreus robed Achilles the daughter of Briseus, his prize by offered to him by Achaeans, thus causing misery to her father. The Greek and Hebrew civilizations consider that their gods live in heaven (Perry, 46). They recognize priests and their role, thus, disobedience to them results into misfortune. Therefore, the Greeks and Hebrews value priests and respect their instructions and teachings. Among Greeks, misfortune occurred when Atrues dishonored the priest, Chryses (Homer, 4). For instance, when Apollo attacks Achaeans, they seek help from priests, prophets, readers of dreams. Just like Greeks, Hebrews believes God protects the poor from harm caused by the mighty. Consequently, in replying to the demands from friends, Job ass erts that life, strength come from (King James Version, Job. 1. 20 - 21). Moreover, both Greeks and Hebrews organized feasting parties. Job’s sons organized feasting parties in their houses and invited their sisters to celebrate together. Consequently, the son of Atreus organized purifying ceremonies for the Achaeans after returning the daughter of Chryseis. The ceremony involved slaughtering of goats and bulls without blemish in order to purify society from the plaques placed upon them by King Apollo (Homer, 7). The Greeks and Hebrews also value wealth, children, and servants, seen as gifts and blessing from the supernatural beings. However, there are differences in their values and worldviews. Among Hebrews, God is revered. They also value perfection and upright living with avoidance or shunning of evil (King James Version, Job. 1. 1-2). Conversely, the Greeks recognize many gods and goddess such as Juve, King Apollo, and Pallas among others who they revere and value (Homer , 1). Among Hebrews, there is only one God while Greeks recognize many gods and goddess. Theses gods and goddess have varied powers and strength unlike the Hebrew god who is alone and the very powerful King James Version, Job. 12. 1-14). Greeks consider King Apollo as the most powerful of all the gods and goddess. This is because, gods such as Jove; husband to Juno and son of Saturn, Juno; mother of men and gods and mother to Vulcan, Pallas Minerva and Neptune have varied powers

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Persuasive speech; Motivated sequence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Persuasive speech; Motivated sequence - Essay Example With countries like Angola, Burundi, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and many others always experiencing perennial food shortages caused by different factors. Some of these factors include prolonged conflict, drought, poor governance and over dependence on cash crops. According to Catherine Bragg the United Nations deputy humanitarian chief, in Zimbabwe alone 1.6 million people require food aid. Across other eight African countries 5.5 million people are in need of food aid. She notes that this figures show an increase of 40% percent in terms of food shortage compared to the previous year 2011. This is a sign that the problem of food shortage is getting worse despite the increased campaign and aid to Africa. On Global Hunger Index sub Saharan Africa continue to face the highest level of hunger, Burundi leading among these countries with an index of 79 with Eritrea and Haiti following closely. Many farmers across Africa are forced to sell their possession and livestock to buy food. As already assumed this can only be a temporary measure (Otieno, 56). There is danger of severe hunger or starvation endangering, the elderly, children, pregnant and nursing mothers. This in return demands for a quick but lasting solution. The best solution is the promotion of a â€Å"Green economy† across Africa and other areas experiencing perennial food shortages. This will help in planning for the future and managing the present risks of food shortages (Collins, 30). It involves investing in small scale food producers, protecting the rights of their lands, natural resources and finally giving them support to cope with changing climate and other shocks that they may encounter. Green economy provides the solution needed to tackle food shortage by encompassing income generation, sustainable value chains and food security working on the ecosystem to support agriculture (John, 23). The food production practice of green economy is a program