Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Effects Of Obesity On America And Is Reaching All Time...

Isabelle Eckel Mrs. Bradshaw AP Psychology May 7, 2015 Research Paper Obesity has been on the rise in America and is reaching all time heights. Obesity in America is at 27.7 percent and 1 in 5 children in America are obese currently and many will have to deal with it throughout their lifetime. With almost a third of our population struggling with this problem, the increasing obesity rates are becoming a major concern. Even though there isn’t a single answer to why obesity has become so prevalent, there are many contributing factors such as socio-economic status, the rise in technology, fast food, car culture, politics, socio-economic status, stress, and biology. While children used to run around outside and play sports for fun,†¦show more content†¦New innovations in the food industry also play a role in the increase of obesity. The creation and popularity of processed foods, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and dangerous chemicals and toxins like fructose corn syrup have a detrimental effect on human health. People in the United States spent 6 billion dollars every year on fast food in the 1970s. However, this number dramatically increased in the year 2000 when the amount spent annually on fast food jumped to 110 billion dollars (Wile, Elise). Tons of money is also spent on enticing fast food advertisements, which draws many people in. Socio-economic status and obesity also relate. A concerning problem is that buying a burger off of the dollar menu can actually be cheaper than buying fruits and vegetables. It has actually become easier and more affordable to buy unhealthy foods such as fast foods and processed foods. In low-income areas, schools also tend to serve unhealthy processed foods in the cafeteria. It has become much more difficult for the poor to access healthy ingredients so they turn to cheap processed foods. The correlation between socio-economic status and income is shown by the fact that Mississippi, the poorest state in America, has the highest obesity rate in the nation (Berl, Rachel). Many Americans rely heavily on their cars to get them from place to place. In the past, people walked to get to where they needed to go. In the suburbs for example â€Å"walking as a

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Happiness and the Purpose of Life - 1087 Words

â€Å"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.† -Aristotle What is the purpose of life? This question has had a lot of controversy from ancient philosophers and even people today. Many people may ask this question, but few know the answer. Everyone is different and yet we all ask the same question. In my class right now there are twenty-three students. Students that have grown up together and long-time friends and some are newer than others. You can guess how a person will end up saying, â€Å"oh, that person is going to make it far.† Celebrities, musicians, teachers, parents, teenagers, and even adults have at one point asked: What is the purpose of life? Do we all have a destiny set up for us that we go along with according to plan? Or do we make our own choices, which makes our destiny? I think the purpose of life is to learn and grow from our decisions. We as individuals chose our destiny (AKA naturalism) and the outcome. Philosophers had many different opinions on there view of life. Aristotle believed that happiness was the central purpose of human life. He believed it depended on not only emotional but also physical well being also by achieving virtue. Aristotle’s theory is known as the theory of happiness. Because no matter how much money and wants that you have in the end (eudemonia) also known, as happiness is the only thing worth having. Buddhism believes that the purpose of life is to end suffering. TheShow MoreRelatedIs Happiness the Purpose of Life?1317 Words   |  5 Pageswant happiness.† So, what’s the purpose of life? Is it to be happy? Everyone has that desire, to have happiness. We even base our decision we by how it will affect our happiness. In our life we experience happiness and unhappiness, but we are oblivious as to what happiness is. What comes to mind when thinking of happiness? Is it pleasure, the thought of the good life, prosperity, or is it something else? We won’t be able to have a response to that question until we have a notion of happiness. WhenRead MoreAristotle s Happiness As A Central Purpose Of Human Life And A Goal868 Words   |  4 PagesAristotle enshrines happiness as a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. As a result his constant work on the topic has brought light on the subject than any other philosopher in history. Aristotle was convinced that a genuinely happy life required the fulfillment of a broad range of conditions, in conjunction with physical as well as mental well-being. Aristotle believed virtues led to happiness and virtues meant the act of achieving balance and moderation. More importantly, AristotleRead MoreThe Well Being Aristotle And Human Happiness1000 Words   |  4 PagesOur Well-Being: Aristotle and Human Happiness What is the purpose of a human being? â€Å"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence† (Nicomachean Ethics). When one thinks about happiness, these words said by Aristotle allow us to understand its significance. Through Aristotle’s teachings, he made it clear that the point of life is to be happy. Aristotle uses the word happiness as having to do with a person’s life as a whole, and not as the constant desireRead MoreSocrates, Plato, and Aristotels View on Happiness1529 Words   |  7 PagesWhat Is Happiness What is happiness, and how can one achieve true happiness? This is the ultimate question of life and what every person is seeking an answer to. Many feel that they have found their answer in belonging to the faith of their choice, but what is it that their faith teaches them that brings them happiness? The Philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all have a similar view on what happiness is and how to achieve it. Aristotles view is based on Platos and Platos is based on SocratesRead MoreThe Human Function as It Pertains to Happiness Essay1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe Human Function as it Pertains to Happiness Humans have a function, according to Aristotle, and so it would follow that fulfilling that function makes us happy. Before we can establish that fulfilment of purpose results in happiness, we must first establish what the human function actually is, and also what constitutes good and happiness for humans. Aristotle’s arguments for happiness and human purpose help to provide answers to these questions, though as with all philosophical topics there areRead MoreHappiness : Is It Just A Thing?757 Words   |  4 PagesHappiness seems familiar with many of people. It is not measurable, touchable, profitable, nor tradable. Yet, by describing through those word above, happiness is what human seek. Definitely, every people want to be happy and no one wants to be sad. They do not only want to have happiness, but also they want to have a lot of it. However, happiness, like an untouchable thing, is an impossible thing to grasp in one’s hand. It is intangible. So how does one know if they have it? Is it just a feelingRead MoreThe Pursuit of Meaning Essay1219 Words   |  5 PagesStampede! Before you know it, people are running, pushing, grabbing items off the nearest shelf, just for the sheer fact that it’s on sale. Happiness can obviously be bought, right? Wrong. Contrary to popular belief, the idea of acceptance, or in other words, the ability to be vulnerable towards other, is taking over this culture because of the search for happiness that Americans pride themselves in taking, and sooner or later, something needs to change. As defined by the online dictionary, vulnerableRead MoreAristotle s Argument For The Function Of Man1585 Words   |  7 PagesNicomachean Ethics I.7, defined happiness as the central good that motivates all of man’s endeavors (function), in that happiness â€Å"is in itself worthy of pursuit more final than that which is worthy of pursuit for the sake of something else†¦ is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else.† (NE 1.7, 1097a 32-34) What is interesting to note here, is that in this sense, happiness, rather than a mental state of the mind, is perceived as a good; happiness is something that serves anRead MoreEssay on Summer Reading756 Words   |  4 PagesTo follow a life of success, happiness, and fulfillment will always begin by observing ourselves, from finding inner peace, figuring out your purpose, and pursuing it through hard work with the passion to commit in to our goal that will shape up our life. Without persistence and h ard work it is impossible to succeed. A life without direction could lead to a path of uncertainty and without contentment. Also a life without inner peace is a life without true happiness. To follow a life of success, happinessRead MoreEnglish Preliminary Speech : My Name Is Tom Hanaee1029 Words   |  5 PagesConference. My name is Tom Hanaee, C: And I am Christian Damiano. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. T: Now this quote may seem random and out of place, but it in fact reflects the entire purpose and conceptual focus of today’s presentation. This seminar revolves around the exploration of meaning and purpose in an individual’s life, specifically as a response to the Aristotelian quote ‘Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.’ This quote that mimics

Monday, December 9, 2019

Poetry Anthology Essay Example For Students

Poetry Anthology Essay I have enjoyed putting this anthology of poems together and I hope you enjoy reading them too. I intend to continue adding to the anthology as and when I find poems that I like. Michael Medieval 06 January 2015 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night,10th age should burn and rave at close of day;0 Rage,0 rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right,because their words had forked no lightning theyd not go gentle into that good night. Good men,0 the last wave by,0 crying how brighter frail deeds might eve danced in a green rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,and learn,0 too late,0 they grieved it on its way,do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men,0 near death,0 who see with blinding sightline eyes could blaze like meteors and be rage against the dying of the light. And you,0 my father,0 there on the sad bless,0 me now with your fierce tears,0 1 pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage,0 rage against the dying of the light. I chose this poem because it says that old men at the ends of their lives should resist death as strongly as they can. In fact,0 he says that they should only leave kicking and screaming,o trying to stay alive. As I read this I began to realize that maybe someone in his life is dying. On the sixth and final verse I realized that he is talking about his own father. The first time you read this poem you may not understand how thoughtful this poem is he refers to death as the night because death is associated with darkness and being isolated from other people. This poem is very meaningful because Dylan Thomas wrote a poem about his father dying and not only that but what he thought about it and how it effects him. This is showing that he is vulnerable and helpless. When I examined this poem closer I began to realize that this poem is not Just about death but about life and how we live it. Dylan Thomas tells the reader that when you die you should not do it without a fight. This poem can be split into 3 parts,0 the first is the introduction of the poets message,0 the next is the next for stanzas giving examples of what he is really feeling in the third part when we realize that he is talking about his father. In the first stanza,0 second line it says Old age should burn and rave at the close of ay;0 Rage,0 rage against the dying of that light and to me this is expressing that we should fight death and leave in glory. When he says light he means darkness which is often used as a metaphor for death. To me Dylan Thomas is a very inspirational poet and this particular poem shows this because it means he is not afraid to tell others what he is thinking especially on this emotional topic. I first discovered Dylan Thomas marvelous poems a few months ago when I went to Wales and visited the National Library of Wales Dylan Thomas was welsh and a folk hero there. 6 How do I love thee? Y Elizabeth Barrett Browning How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and bare and height My soul can reach,0 when feeling out of sight For the ends of and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday Most quiet need,0 b and candlelight. I love thee freely,0 as men might strive for Right;0 1 love purely,0 as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use I old grief,0 and with my childhoods faith. I love thee with a love I seemed t With my lost saints,o-l love thee with the breath,0 Smiles,0 tears,0 of all my and,0 if God choose,0 I shall but love thee better after death. This sonnet caught my attention because the the repetition of I love thee SSH the emphasis of her love. This is said eight times and reflects her passion all her constant feeling of love . Elizabeth Barrett Borrowings sonnet was written she married Robert Browning to express her intense love for him. Although it does not follow the precise rhyme scheme of an Italian sonnet,0 t poems structure follow the form of an Italian sonnet,0 consisting of an octave first eight lines,0 and the sestets,0 the final six lines. Sonnet 43 was her most f memos out of 44 that she wrote. From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson Faster than fairies,0 faster than witches,0 Bridges and houses,0 hedges and ditches;0 And charging along like troops in a battle All through the meadows the horses and cattle: All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving rain;0 And ever again,0 in the wink of an eye,0 Painted stations whistle by. Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,o All by himself and gathering brambles;o Here is a tramp who stands and gazes;0 And here is the green for stringing the daisies! "A Country Club Romance" by Derek Walcott and "Two Old Black Menace" comparison EssayI was a child and she was a child,0 In this kingdom by the sea,0 But we loved with a love that was more than love-? I and my Enable Lee-? With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that,0 long ago,0 A wind blew out of a cloud,0 chilling My beautiful Enable Lee;0 So that her highborn kinsmen came And bore her away from me,0 To shut her up in a sepulcher In this kingdom by the sea. The angels,0 not half so happy in Heaven,0 Went Ewing her and me-? Yes! -?that was the reason (as all men know,0 In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud by night,0 Chilling and killing my Enable Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we-? Of many far wiser than we-? And neither the angels in Heaven above Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Enable Lee;0 For the moon never beams,0 without bringing me dreams And the stars never rise,0 but I feel the bright eyes And so,0 all the night-tide,o I lie down by the side Of my darling-?my darling-?my life and my bride,0 In her sepulcher there by the sea-? In her tomb by the sounding sea. The story line of this poem is about a man writing about his beloved wife,0 their true love and how it cannot be broken. Even though she died,0 their love was still strong. They where still young when they realized that they were soul mates and their love lasted forever. They overcame all difficulties and he never lost hope believing their love transcends death. I like this poe m because it is also about how people cope with bereavement. Our Little Star by Anton Medieval You lie within your world,0 Thats strewn across your bed,0 Across the duvet,0 curled,0 On literature youve fed. Your phone,0 it gently sings,0 With friends whove lots to say,0 You stretch your mind and limbs,0 And push the books away. Amongst undigested poems,0 And a blue skater dress,0 You sleep the sleep of Angels,0 On a bed that looks a mess. My father wrote this poem for me when I was sitting on my bed writing this poetry anthology. I chose to include it in my anthology because the poem reflects the way I am and because he wrote it especially for me and this work. 24 Romance by Walter J Turner When I was but thirteen or so I went into a golden land,0 Chambermaid,o Isotopic Took me by the hand. My father died,0 my brother too,0 They passed like fleeting dreams,0 I stood where Apocalyptic In the sunlight gleams. I dimly heard the masters voice And boys far-off at play,0 Had stolen me away. I walked in a great golden dream To and fro from school-shining Apocalyptic The dusty streets did rule. 25 I walked home with a gold dark boy,0 At first I did not understand this poem but then I realized that a golden land meant that the sunshine of her life had 26 Winter by Shakespeare When icicles hang by the wall And Dick the shepherd blows his nail And Tom bears logs into the hall,0 And milk comes frozen home in pail,0 When Blood is nipped and ways be foul,0 Then nightly sings the staring owl,0 Tu-who;0 Tu-whit,0 TU-who: a merry note,0 While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. When all aloud the wind doth blow,0 And coughing drowns the parsons saw,0 And birds sit brooding in the snow,0 And Marinas nose looks red and raw When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,0 27 This poem describes an extremely cold winter and gives example of activities common at the time (e. G. Bearing and sawing logs) and conditions which only happen in winter (icicles hang by the wall,0 bird sit brooding in the snow,0 milk comes home frozen in pail). Shakespeare introduces us to the characters present in a way that helps us imagine what they are doing. My favorite line in the poem refers to Dick blowing on the cold nails of his freezing hands 28 Poetry is what? By Adrian Mitchell Poetry is a beautiful mud-pie Washed down with a glassful of stars. Poetry is one of the best ways Of singing to the whole wide world Or whispering in the ear of your best friend. Poetry tunnels you out of your dungeon. Poetry captures the three-headed dragon. And teaches it Loud and Frisbee-throwing. Poetry is a Mammoth in a shopping mall,0 A beggar with no legs in Disneyland.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Top-Tier Guide on How to Write an Essay About Love

Over the years, love has been considered to be a feeling that only a few people can comprehend, let alone correctly define it. There are as many definitions and understanding of love as there are people. However, in general, terms love is a strong emotion that binds a person towards someone else or a particular object.   It is often stated that love knows no boundaries, has no religion, color, ethnic background or gender. It is, therefore, a vast subject that most people find themselves researching to find the meaning or existence of love. This means that writing scholarly or personal topics about love would undoubtedly be a challenge if you are not prepared. In this article, we try to explore the various tips on how to write an essay on the topic of love and how they can help you improve the quality of your assignments. Do You Know What Is an Essay About Love? As we have said, love is a universal and robust feeling that people possess to make an attachment to other people and objects. Therefore, an essay about love should inform the reader much of what one feels toward another being or inanimate object. Recently students have been required to write academic assignments that exhibit passion or show evidence on the existence of love. Tips on How to Write a Good Essay About Love Before you even put pen to paper to write your love essay, poem or letter there are several factors you need to consider. These factors are designed to help guide you in the right direction. Below are some of the most critical factors that should not be ignored if you need to write an exemplary essay on love: Know your audience Before you start the writing process, you need to ask yourself, who is the target audience of the article? Once you have identified your audience, you will be to know the message you want to communicate. For instance, if you are writing a school essay focused on love, you will have to research and gain relevant information for use in your paper. Consider your intentions After you have identified the target reader for your essay, you need to define the purpose of your writing. You must ask yourself, what message do you want to share? What impact do the words have toward your loved ones? What reaction do you expect from the audience? What feedback do you expect? A love essay written towards your loved ones expresses your heartfelt emotional state toward them. Therefore, once you answer some of these questions, you will be able to convey the message in effectively. Brainstorm Due to the complexity of love, you must critically think of ideas you want to include in your essay on the topic of love. When brainstorming, think about the relationship between you and the audience and how you want to them to receive your message. Since love is a vast subject, you need to scale on precise ideas and avoid giving unnecessary details that are not relevant to the subject matter of the essay you are writing. Compile a draft When brainstorming for ideas to include on your love subject ensure that you have a pen and writing pad to scribe down all essential points you want to add. For instance, you may remember a good memory that is relevant to you and the audience — such a great idea you can write it down on the draft to avoid forgetting when creating a final copy. Practical Advice on How to Start an Essay About Love Start early to ensure that you have included all the information that you want to share with the loved ones. You also need enough time to review and proofread to ensure that you have covered all the points as well as removing spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. A well-edited document concerning love is not just clear and easy to understand, but it is also exciting to read. The Best Advice on How to Structure an Essay About Love Like any other essay writing, your article about love must have a basic outline with an introduction part highlighting the objective of the paper as well the attention-grabbing statement that will capture the audience attention. The article must also have a body part containing essential points you want to convey to the reader. The essay concerning love must also have an impressionable conclusion. An excellent essay about love structure will help you have a logical and coherent flow without rambling around on the topic. It will also help you organize your intended message in a clear, precise and understandable way. How to Craft an Essay About Love Introduction Similar to other pieces love articles must contain an exciting and captivating beginning. When writing a love essay, you are expressing your feeling towards another person. Your subject aims to ensure that your reader understands and appreciate the attitude towards them. One of the best ways to achieve this is by starting with a catchy introduction. In the introduction section, you indicate the intentions of the essay. When writing a love essay or any other article, it is essential to avoid using unnecessary wordings that are not essential to the main points supporting your objective. If youre experiencing any challenging in starting with the introduction, write it after the main points as well as the conclusion to ensure that you have captured all the essential information. What to Include on an Essay About Love Body After you have finished with the introduction, you can start by writing paragraphs containing the main points. These ideas must relate to the subject matter about the love essay. The best way of writing a body essay is to edit the draft copy since it contains all the ideas that you have gathered. In case you are writing a research paper about love, you can start with writing the main points and compose the introduction and the conclusion from what you have written. How to Formulate an Essay About Love Conclusion A crucial part of any article is its final part. Here you make a conclusion by summarising the objective and the ideas of the paper. Don’t just restate the primary purpose of your writing but also include some closing remarks that will invoke some memories and excitement to the reader. When writing a love-related essay or any other essay, you must start by developing a plan on how to complete the process in time. However, students have a lot of activities to do within minimal time. This can make you miss the submission deadline that can lead to being penalized. To avoid facing such severe consequences, you can request assistance from our professional writers. Our writers are competent and skillful individuals with extensive experience in writing high-quality academic papers. Therefore, if you are experiencing any time challenge and the deadline is almost due, contact us, and we will help you. Place an order now and let qualified essay writes assist you as you focus on other tasks in hand.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Dutchman essays

Dutchman essays Imamu Amiri Barakas Dutchman is a play rooted in symbolism. It can be traced throughout the entire play: the language, the setting, the plot, the movement, the dialogue, and even the title, Dutchman, itself. Baraka does a good job intertwining both the realistic and symbolic in effort to get his theme across. Barakas fierceness and intensity really help to develop the symbolic nature of the play. This symbolism can be particularly seen in the exchanges between the two main characters; Clay, a rather well spoken and reserved Negro and Lula, a disreputable white girl. Immediately, it is obvious that racism and the plight of the Negro are the points or symbolic themes that Baraka is trying to portray. Barakas feelings on this subject are evident in his tone of range and anger. Lula plays a tantalizing and provocative role, constantly fooling around with words of racism and with Clay himself. Come on Clay, lets do the thing...You middle-class black bastard. Forget your social-working mother for a few seconds and lets knock stomachs. Clay you liver-lipped white man. You would be Christian. You aint no nigger, youre just a dirty white man...Thats all you know...shaking that wildroot cream-oil on your knotty head, jackets buttoning up to your chin, so full of white mans words. Lula is a mere symbol of our civilization and particularly the Caucasian society in its ignorance of the black race. But all races are so quick to jump to conclusions and stereotype people without looking beyond their appearance. That is why she is a symbol of our entire civilization, not just one race. Her exhibition with Clay is all a game to her. I do not think she understands the harsh impact of her words, especially to a black man, just as many would not. After a while of Lula tantalizing and provoking Clay during the train ride, Clays fury is unleashed. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

USS Maryland (BB-46) in World War II

USS Maryland (BB-46) in World War II USS Maryland (BB-46) was the second ship of the US Navys Colorado-class of battleship. Entering service in 1921, the battleship briefly served in the Atlantic before spending the majority of its career in the Pacific. At Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, when the  Japanese attacked, Maryland sustained two bomb hits but remained afloat and endeavored to fight off the enemy aircraft. Repaired after the attack, the battleship played a support role in the early campaigns in the Pacific such the   Battle of Midway. In 1943, Maryland joined in the Allies island-hopping campaign across the Pacific and routinely provided naval gunfire support for troops ashore. The following year, it joined several other Pearl Harbor survivors in dealing out revenge on the Japanese at the Battle of Surigao Strait. Marylands later activities included supporting the invasion of Okinawa and aiding in transporting American troops home as part of Operation Magic Carpet. Design The fifth and last class  of Standard-type battleship  (Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Tennessee) developed for the US Navy, the Colorado-class represented an evolution of its predecessors. Conceived prior to the building of the Nevada-class, the Standard-type approach called for battleships that had common operational and tactical characteristics. These included the employment of oil-fired boilers rather than coal and the use of an  Ã¢â‚¬Å"all or nothing† armor scheme. This armor arrangement saw key areas of the vessel, such as magazines and engineering, heavily protected while less important areas were left unarmored. In addition, Standard-type battleships were to have a tactical turn radius of 700 yards or less and a minimum top speed of 21 knots.    Though similar to the preceding Tennessee-class, the Colorado-class mounted eight 16 guns in four twin turrets as opposed to the earlier vessels which carried twelve 14 guns in four triple turrets. The US Navy had been assessing the use of 16 guns for a few years and following successful tests of the weapon, discussions commenced regarding their use on the earlier Standard-type designs. This did not move forward due to the cost involved in altering these battleships and increasing their displacement to accommodate the new guns. In 1917, Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels finally permitted the use of 16 guns on the condition that the new class not incorporate any other major design changes. The Colorado-class also carried a secondary battery of twelve to fourteen 5 guns and an anti-aircraft armament of four 3 guns.    Construction The second ship of the class, USS Maryland (BB-46) was laid down at Newport News Shipbuilding on April 24, 1917. Construction moved forward on the vessel and on March 20, 1920, it slid into the water with Elizabeth S. Lee, daughter-in-law of Maryland Senator Blair Lee, acting as sponsor. An additional fifteen months of work followed and on July 21, 1921, Maryland entered commission, with Captain C.F. Preston in command. Departing Newport News, it conducted a shakedown cruise along the East Coast. USS Maryland (BB-46) - Overview Nation:  United StatesType:  BattleshipShipyard:  Newport News ShipbuildingLaid Down:  April 24, 1917Launched:  March  20, 1920Commissioned:  July 21, 1921Fate:  Sold for scrap Specifications (as built) Displacement:  32,600  tonsLength:  624  ft.Beam:  97  ft., 6 in.Draft:  30  ft., 6 in.Propulsion:  Turbo-electric transmission  turning 4 propellersSpeed:  21.17 knotsComplement:  1,080  men Armament (as built) 8 Ãâ€" 16  in. gun (4  Ãƒâ€" 2)12  Ãƒâ€" 5 in. guns4 Ãâ€" 3 in. guns2 Ãâ€" 21 in. torpedo tubes Interwar Years Serving as flagship for Commander-in-Chief, US Atlantic Fleet Admiral Hilary P. Jones, Maryland traveled extensively in 1922. After taking part in graduation festivities at the US Naval Academy, it steamed north to Boston where it played a role in celebrating the anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Embarking Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes on August 18, Maryland transported him south to Rio de Janeiro. Returning in September, it took part in fleet exercises the following spring before shifting to the West Coast. Serving in the Battle Fleet, Maryland and other battleships conducted a goodwill cruise to Australia and New Zealand in 1925. Three years later, the battleship carried President-elect Herbert Hoover on a tour of Latin American before returning to the United States for an overhaul. Pearl Harbor Resuming routine peacetime exercises and training, Maryland continued to largely operate in the Pacific during the 1930s. Steaming to Hawaii in April 1940, the battleship took part in Fleet Problem XXI which simulated a defense of the islands. Due to rising tensions with Japan, the fleet remained in Hawaiian waters following the exercise and shifted its base to Pearl Harbor. On the morning of December 7, 1941, Maryland was moored along Battleship Row inboard of USS Oklahoma (BB-37) when the Japanese attacked and pulled the United States into World War II. Responding with anti-aircraft fire, the battleship was protected from torpedo attack by Oklahoma. When its neighbor capsized early in the attack, many of its crew jumped aboard Maryland and aided in the ships defense.   In the course of the fighting, Maryland sustained hits from two armor-piercing bombs which caused some flooding. Remaining afloat, the battleship departed Pearl Harbor later in December and steamed to Puget Sound Navy Yard for repairs and an overhaul. Emerging from the yard on February 26, 1942, Maryland moved through shakedown cruises and training. Rejoining combat operations in June, it played a support role during the pivotal Battle of Midway. Ordered back to San Francisco, Maryland spent part of the summer in training exercises before joining USS Colorado (BB-45) for patrol duty around Fiji. Island-Hopping Shifting to the New Hebrides in early 1943, Maryland operated off Efate before moving south to Espiritu Santo. Returning to Pearl Harbor in August, the battleship underwent a five-week overhaul which included enhancements to its anti-aircraft defenses. Named flagship of Rear Admiral Harry W. Hills V Amphibious Force and Southern Attack Force, Maryland put to sea on October 20 to take part in the invasion of Tarawa. Opening fire on Japanese positions on November 20, the battleship provided naval gunfire support for the Marines ashore throughout the battle. After a brief voyage to the West Coast for repairs, Maryland rejoined the fleet and made for the Marshall Islands. Arriving, it covered the landings on Roi-Namur on January 30, 1944, before aiding in the assault on Kwajalein the following day.   With the completion of operations in the Marshalls, Maryland received orders to commence an overhaul and re-gunning at Puget Sound. Leaving the yard on May 5, it joined Task Force 52 for participation in the Marianas Campaign.   Reaching Saipan, Maryland commenced firing on the island on June 14. Covering the landings the next day, the battleship pounded Japanese targets as the fighting raged. On June 22, Maryland sustained a torpedo hit from a Mitsubishi G4M Betty which opened a hole in the battleships bow. Withdrawn from the battle, it moved to Eniwetok before proceeding back to Pearl Harbor. Due to the damage to the bow, this voyage was conducted in reverse. Repaired in 34 days, Maryland steamed to the Solomon Islands before joining Rear Admiral Jesse B. Oldendorfs Western Fire Support Group for the invasion of Peleliu. Attacking on September 12, the battleship reprised its support role and aided Allied forces ashore until the island fell. Surigao Strait Okinawa On October 12, Maryland sortied from Manus to provide cover for the landings on Leyte in the Philippines. Striking six days later, it remained in the area as Allied forces went ashore on October 20. As the wider Battle of Leyte Gulf commenced, Maryland and Oldendorfs other battleships shifted south to cover the Surigao Strait. Attacked on the night of October 24, the American ships crossed the Japanese T and sank two Japanese battleships (Yamashiro Fuso) and a heavy cruiser  (Mogami). Continuing to operate in the Philippines, Maryland sustained a kamikaze hit on November 29 which caused damage between the forward turrets as well as killed 31 and wounded 30. Repaired at Pearl Harbor, the battleship was out of action until March 4, 1945.    Reaching Ulithi, Maryland joined Task Force 54 and departed for the invasion of Okinawa on March 21. Initially tasked with eliminating targets on the islands south coast, the battleship then shifted west as the fighting progressed. Moving north with TF54 on April 7, Maryland sought to counter Operation Ten-Go which involved the Japanese battleship Yamato. This effort succumbed to American carrier planes before TF54 arrived. That evening, Maryland took a kamikaze hit on Turret No.3 which killed 10 and injured 37.   Despite the resulting damage, the battleship remained on station for another week. Ordered to escort transports to Guam, it then proceeded to Pearl Harbor and on to Puget Sound for repairs and an overhaul.    Final Actions Arriving, Maryland had its 5 guns replaced and enhancements made to the crews quarters. Work on the ship ended in August just as the Japanese ceased hostilities. Ordered to take part in Operation Magic Carpet, the battleship assisted in returning American servicemen to the United States. Operating between Pearl Harbor and the West Coast, Maryland transported over 8,000 men home before completing this mission in early December. Moved into reserve status on July 16, 1946, the battleship left commission on April 3, 1947. The US Navy retained Maryland for another twelve years until selling the ship for scrap on July 8, 1959.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Design of Heat Transfer for a Chemical Reactor Assignment

Design of Heat Transfer for a Chemical Reactor - Assignment Example The instrumentation part includes putting in place the correct system such as closed loop control system, sensors and pneumatic valves for control of flow rate and temperatures. Much appreciation goes out to all the persons responsible in several ways for the success of this research, mostly to those who have made me gain much more than what the scholastic aspects of the course could have accorded. Much gratitude also goes to my lecturer for the basic knowledge he has provided in class. Production of Acrylic acid starts with propylene being partially oxidized in a fluidized -bed reactor. Propylene is broken down to acrolein in the process of getting catalytic gas at an oxidation stage. This takes place in presence of oxygen gas. The fluidized-bed reactor includes a packed-bed with a stirred tank that creates continuous flow reactors. It must posses some good characteristics of both heat and mass transfers. Substrates moves upwards through the bed which is immobilized with enzyme at high velocity which moves the particles up leading to though mixing. The reactor is normally used in highly exothermic reactions because it clears local hot-spots simply because of the mass and heat characteristics the fluidized -bed reactor has. The substrates are normally catalytic material where chemical reactants are given support. After achieving some optimum speed the reactor gets into a stage where the force of the fluid in the solids becomes enough to make a balance between the fluid and the solid materials. The contents of the bed-reactor begin to expand and swirl about in a manner equivalent to a agitated tank or a boiling pot of water after passing this level. This is where the reactor becomes a fluidized bed (Coulson, Richardson & Sinnott,1993). Pressure and temperature conditions in the process changes regarding the mode of reaction going on. Putting the fluidized-bed reactor in the higher section with higher temperatures and pressure than other areas provides good results since it promotes the needed reaction. The vapor velocity influences the rate of circulation for the catalyst. The velocity for the catalyst in inversely

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Price Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Price Analysis - Essay Example However, among the various methods, a consumer should choose the one that suits the important facts of his purchases. If I would be allowed to select only one price analysis method throughout the course of my career, I would select the price competition method for price analysis Price Competition is the most popular and the widest used technique of price analysis. It is very handy and easy to conduct. Also, it does not involve much in depth research. All a consumer needs to do is to consider the prices quoted by several other suppliers in the market and evaluate them closely. A price competition normally exists when prices quoted by different suppliers differ by 15% (Murphy 2009). The lowest price may not always be the most reasonable price for you. There may be chances of errors in the quotation and also the quality of the good or service provided may also not be up to the required level. Also, there may be costs associated with the product to make it a better one that may have not been incurred, and thus resulting in a lower price. Hence, when using the price competition technique, it is important that the consumer demands a statement on why the quoted price has been set by the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How the business deals with legal factors Essay Example for Free

How the business deals with legal factors Essay A legal factor that has a big impact on Tesco’s is protecting employees which, includes the laws about how many hours an employee can work. This amount of hours depends on the employees contract, if they are a full time member of staff then they have to work between 35-45 hours a week but no more, these hours also have to be over reasonably shift, for example having a 8 hour shift a day over 5 days a week. If they are a part time member then they can work any amount of hours a week as long as it is no longer the 35 hours. This can impact on Tesco’s as they have to keep to the terms and conditions of their contracts with staff , which could affect activates Tesco’s wish to do as they may not fit in the with hours the members of staff involved can work. Tesco’s can deal with this by offering willing to work staff overtime shifts, if staff are willing to do this, it means that Tesco’s doesn’t need to employ any more member which works out better for them as if they were to do this, they would then have to find the correct amount of hours agreed in the contact which might not be available. Even though some staff maybe willing to work more hours, they may feel that because they are helping out the business that they don’t need to be as professional and honest as they are when working their own scheduled shifts, this article ( about how Tesco’s is trying to deal with this issue. Tesco’s has come up with this idea of its warehouse and forklift staff wearing electronic bracelets which helps improve the efficiency of it workers as it means they don’t have to carry around items such as pen and paper as the armband collects this data which also means they are collection correct data. This armband also allows Tesco’s to monitor their staff to check that they are doing their jobs when expected of them and that they are not taking any un-agreed breaks, the arm band also informs the staff of when they are allowed there b reaks. This helps Tesco’s make sure their staff are not working over the hours allowed or working under the hours agreed. A legal factor that impacts Tata motors  is the protection of customers and employees, like all businesses Tata has to keep to legal factors and laws, the need to treat all of their customers fairly and honestly, this helps customers feel they can trust the business as well as giving the a good reputation. Challenges that Tata face when selling their products are making sure they pass the sales of good act which means they need to describe the product exactly how it is and not say it does something it actually doesn’t. It also needs to pass the customer credit act. this article explains how they are going out of their way to make sure the give there customers the best service they possibly can. The article states that Tata motor has previously had problems with their customer service. They have taken this feedback and actually work on making it better by improving the quality of manufacture and repairs. How the business deal with social factors A common social factor that affects business is equal rights for both man and female workers and peoples religion. This could impact Tesco’s as if anyone feels as though they are being judged or unable to do something because of these reasons then they could cause problems for Tesco’s by making complaints either to their managers or their union. To make sure this doesn’t happen Tesco’s has to make sure that their staff know that everyone treated the same and if there are people applying for a job they cannot turn them away because of these reason, the only way they can do this is if someone is disabled in some way and their disability would stop them from doing the job required, however if this is the care they have to inform this person that is the reason but in a kind way as not to offend them. Tesco’s deal with these possible problem by getting new applicants to have a cv which is what they are judged upon or the job, they then have interview/trial which is so that they are then judged upon their abilities to do the job not on the gender or religious view. Tesco’s has coped well with this issues as if you are to go into their stores you are clearly able to see a balanced level of both male and female staff, Tesco’s also considers the religious view and has there store open later and close early on a Sunday as most religions see this a day of rest.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Organ Donation :: essays research papers

On April 16, 1996, my grandfather passed away of cancer. He had been ill since November of 1995, and he needed a kidney transplant. Unfortunately, he never received one, resulting in the cause of his death. Each day about 70 people receive an organ transplant. However, 16 people die each day waiting for transplants that cannot take place because of the shortage of donated organs, according to In New York alone, only 350 people are organ donors where 7,000 New Yorkers are currently awaiting organ transplants. One organ donor can save up to 8 lives by donating their heart, lungs, liver, kidney, pancreas, and intestines. Anyone can become an organ donor, and everyone should consider it. According to, organs and tissues are distributed through federally or state authorized regional organ and tissue banks. Your decision to become an organ donor will not interfere with the health care you receive. Saving a patient’s life is the health care provider’s first priority, and it does not cost your family anything. According to, family consent is required for organ donation. Referring to an article titled, â€Å"The Gift of Organ Donation,† written by Dr. Dan Fischer about organ donation, organ donation is a lifesaving gift to a person who needs a healthy organ. It is an opportunity for you to give life to another human being after you have passed away. Organ donors are desperately needed in this country, and everyone should consider themselves a potential donor. According to a statistic on organdonors.html, tens of thousands of people wait each year for transplants, and between 10-20% of them die for lack of suitable organs. Death is a sad and final affair, especially through accidental or terminal illness.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

EBooks vs. Traditional Books Essay

I have compared and contrasted eBooks and traditional books. There are many similarities on these different kinds of books as well as many differences. Reading is one of the most important things that have an impact on people’s life. Technology now has also made an impact on books. Now there are e-readers like: kindle, nook, and IPad. The first kind of book is the EBooks. There are many positive things about the e Books. E Books are very useful for traveling, it doesn’t take much space, or it doesn’t weigh much. Some EBooks also have backlight to help them when there isn’t much light. EBooks are also efficient like their battery can lasts for more than 10 days. EBooks also allow the readers to format the fonts and size of the text. The second kind of book is the Traditional Books. Traditional books are available in libraries and bookstores, most of the time you can even read there because they are very quiet. Readers pick up books and are able to visualize how close they are to conquering those books, and how far they have come in doing so. Even after you have finished reading the book you can get profit out of it by selling it. You also don’t have to carry around an electronic device that you might get damaged with watch as to traditional books they pages only get wrinkled. A book seems so worthless compared to an EBook, but it has its own advantages. A book that is on a shelf would last longer than an EBook, for an e-reader’s battery will eventually run out, and the books that were saved in your device may get lost. A paper book is not as fragile as an e-reader, if you drop an e-reader it may get more severely damaged than a paper book. A paper book’s cover attracts customers with visual appeal, and the feeling of the paper itself and flipping the page is something that only paper books have. The designs of paper books tend to make them look beautiful too. Paper books remain readable for many years, but e-books will keep develop as technology develops; so you have to frequently replace it. Some paper books also have more value than e-books,  especially historical books. Despised all the differences, there are similarities between paper books and e-books. One similarity is that both paper books and e-books purpose is to give knowledge and entertain readers. Another similarity is that both books have variety of books that you could choose and read. They also transmit the author’s message to the readers. You will never get tired of reading. Paper books and e-books/e-readers are both beneficial and they are useful in different times. You don’t have to worry about weight or space when you are traveling with e-readers, but the paper books give you physical appeal. So maybe e-books are better for travelers and paper books for collectors. People usually store paper books, instead of e-books in archives. Books were and will always be part of our daily life.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Society Is Affected by Gov Policies Essay

How society is affected by goverment policies, civil disobedience, This is the deliberate and planned breach of policy or law by an individual or group of people. It is usually done peacefully to highlight how inappropriate a law is and promote the need for a change in the law. Civil disobedience was a common tool in the black civil rights movement in the USA in the 1960s. Black people would deliberately break the racial segregation laws to show how deeply unfair they were and how much the law needed to change. A good example of this is the case of Rosa Parks, who in December 1955 refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man when asked to do so. She was arrested and her arrest sparked a chain of events which led to the US Supreme Court decision in 1956 that racial segregation on transportation was illegal. Demonstration and meetings, Meetings to discuss problems with government policy are very common. They are a way for like-minded individuals to air their concerns. Meeting can be held outside and include a march or demonstration to show the government or local authority the depth of public feeling against decision. A good example of this would be the rallies and protests organised by the Countryside Alliance since the UK government placed a ban on foxhunting. Terrorism, Terrorism is an extreme response to public policy. It involves an individual or group using violence or the threat of violence against civilian and military targets in order to force the government to change its policy.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Being a Public Health Nurse

Being a Public Health Nurse Free Online Research Papers When walking through a hospital or even a doctor’s office, to see the different tasks and performances that doctors and nurses do to help people is very interesting. To see them give inject a flu vaccination, check their heart rate, change the IV, or even perform a surgery is remarkable. Many little children in the United States are fascinated with the thought of becoming a nurse or even a doctor. The thought of being able to tend to sick and injured people or even perform an open-heart surgery is interesting and something many people enjoy. Being a public health nurse is in the medical field, it has a well paying salary, good benefits, it is a demanding field and it comes with the satisfaction of helping someone out and making them feel better. Public health nurses work within the community with a very diverse population of people. They help promote, protect, and save other peoples health and lives (career cruising). Public health nurses travel around, visiting schools, nursing homes, patients’ houses, and community centers to give vaccinations and talk to people about healthy living and conditions (career cruising). They are also involved in educating, counseling, and treating problems. Some examples would be dealing with drug abuse in many young teens and educating them on that (career cruising). Public health nurses usually deal with vulnerable people such as young children, pregnant women, and elderly people. They help educate the young generation with information about birth control, infant care, and other issues pertaining to that kind of matter. They help educate elderly people, or help them with medical conditions that they may have (career cruising). Public health nurses also give information and adv ice to people who will ask or even call them. Part of their job is to record symptoms, reactions and progress that the patients have had (career cruising). They may also give medication and help in the process of rehabilitation. When becoming a public health nurse, the requirement is to first become a registered nurse (career cruising). After becoming a registered nurse there is the choice to specialize in the public health nursing field. In order to become a registered nurse, a high school diploma must be earned, also a completion of a program for nursing at either a college, or a technical school (career cruising). The requirements to enter a nursing program vary, but their requirements for a graduate must have learned on a senior level of math, science and English class (career cruising). After graduating high school, the requirements are to complete a college with a degree or diploma in nursing (career cruising). A lot of employers call for public health nurses to contain a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Other employers will train registered nurses on the job to become a public health nurse, although they don’t have a bachelor’s degree. On the other hand, the higher the educati on that the RN’s have, the more advantages they will have getting into that career. All 50 states demand that nurses should have licenses, meaning that they must take a licensing exam and pass after graduating from a nursing course. (Career cruising-education) There was a need for nurses during World War II that motivated the Congress to pass an act in 1943, named the Bolton act. Congresswoman Frances Bolton from Ohio, who sponsored the bill in the house, and established the cadet nurse corps of the public health service. Under the conditions of the act, federal scholarships in nursing education were made open to young qualified women upon enrollment in the schools of nursing who’s curriculum and nursing facilities met the requirements set by the service (US national library of medicine). During the three years of its existence the cadet nurse corps provided a great reservoir of trained nurses for the military and stopped the collapse of the civilian nursing service on the home front (US national library of medicine). Professionally trained graduate female nurses began to be used more commonly in the public health hospitals in 1912 (US national library of medicine). Public health nurses were used by the public health service dur ing world war one in camp sanitation work an in particular clinics (US national library of medicine). There work consisted of general district nursing, tuberculosis nursing, school nursing, and infant care, visiting in mill villages, emergency communicable disease control, and venereal disease control clinic work. The curriculum in the area at the time of the schooling was made to meet the needs of those focused in the field of environmental or industrial health that had the basic education in medicine, engineering or public health nursing. The courses were organized in three tracts intended at the environmental health administrator, health engineer and the public health nurse ( Salaries for public health nurses depend on a number of factors, including the number of hours they work and whether they work in a rural or an urban area (career cruising). Nurses that have a bachelor’s degree have a tendency to earn more then those who have an associate’s degree and they also have a greater possibility of advancement. In general, full time public health nurses can produce between thirty thousand and seventy thousand dollars a year (career cruising). On the other hand, those in management or administrative positions, which may require graduate training, can earn as much as eighty five thousand dollars a year (career cruising). Part time and contract nurses are usually paid on an hourly or monthly basis. The amount they earn a year depends on the number of hours that they work. Public health nurses usually are given or receive benefits such as paid vacations and sick days, health coverage and disability insurance. People in this line of work ofte n belong to a union, which means that, union representatives negotiate their benefits and rates of pay on their behalf (career cruising). Being a public health nurse would benefit it many ways, not only in salary but also in the benefits department. They offer good benefits and the salary is very good. It is a good enough salary to help support someone living on their own, or even someone who has a family and also has a spouse working and bringing in some other source of income into the family. Anyone would be well off in a career like this. In the future public health nursing is going to explode. Especially because public health nurses are the ones who educate and inform those in need of medical information. This career is going to boom, particularly because it is part of the medical field. Many young teenagers and people who made mistakes or are living on the streets are needing to be informed on what is going on out in the world, either with personal hygiene or disease. This will cause the population to grow much more healthier and wiser. Since Public health nursing is not a very hard career to get into, many people are getting themselves involved in it, or even considering making it their career. They enjoy helping and providing people with the necessary information that they need. That is why it will be a growing field in the near future, where many young scholars will become professional public health nurses. Therefore, becoming a public nurse isn’t such a horrible idea, many people would definitely think about becoming one. They have the power to educate many people and stop bad things from happening. They make a good and healthy salary, and to become one doesn’t require years and years of schooling to become certified. Working with people and physically is something that they do, and being a public health nurse fits the many qualities that interest people. Commuting to different places and meeting diverse people, and helping them out, either by solving their problems, answering their questions, or even giving them medicine or a shot is appealing and fun. Being involved in the medical field is good. People will always know that they will be needed, and that there is going to be a position of some sort for them. People can even move up in the career as a public health nurse, becoming a more complex nurse or even a doctor. Public health nursing is fun, interesting, man ageable, and different. It is without doubt an interesting and exciting career to get into, and hopefully more people with join and become interested, and that way we will have a more healthy and educated population. Works cited â€Å"Educating and training† (copyright 1999) Http:// Frederickson, Keville. â€Å"Nursing careers.† Lincolnwood, IL. VGM Career Horizons, 1996. 96-98 â€Å"Job description†(copyright 1999) Morkes, Andrew. â€Å"Nursing.† Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance. Chicago, IL: Ferguson, 2003. 458-464 â€Å"Registered nurse† (copyright 1999) Research Papers on Being a Public Health NursePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyStandardized TestingThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationGenetic EngineeringInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesHip-Hop is ArtMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Twilight of the UAWPETSTEL analysis of India

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Health Risks from Exposure to Phthalates

Health Risks from Exposure to Phthalates The non-profit Environmental Working Group launched the Not Too Pretty campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of phthalates, industrial chemicals that are used as solvents in many cosmetics. Most of the mainstream hair sprays, deodorants, nail polishes and perfumes that millions of people use every day contain these harmful chemicals. Phthalates are also employed as plastic softeners in many different consumer products, including children’s toys and medical devices. Why are phthalates dangerous? Shown to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive systems in animal studies, phthalates can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Scientists at government agencies in both the U.S. and Canada agree that exposure to the chemicals could cause a wide range of health and reproductive problems in people. It has been very difficult, however, to determine the minimum level of exposure when these problems arise. For many of us, our exposure to phthalates may be low on any given day, but we absorb these small quantities of chemicals frequently, over decades.   Manufacturers use phthalates because they cling to the skin and nails to give perfumes, hair gels and nail polishes more staying power. But a recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that five percent of women between age 20 and 40 had up to 45 times more phthalates in their bodies than researchers initially hypothesized. CDC found phthalates in virtually every person tested, but the largest concentrations 20 times higher than the rest of the population were found in women of child-bearing age. Another study, led by Dr. Shanna Swan of the University of Missouri, identified developmental abnormalities in male infants correlating to high phthalate levels in their mothers’ bodies. More studies associated phthalates breast cancer and with hormonal disruptions in young girls and women. Currently, potential links to obesity and metabolic issues are being investigated.   Industry Group Denies Risk Meanwhile, the industry-backed American Chemistry Council asserts, â€Å"There is no reliable evidence that any phthalate has ever caused a health problem for a human from its intended use.† The group accuses organizations of â€Å"cherry-picking† results â€Å"showing impacts on test animals to create unwarranted concern about these products.† EWG spokesperson Lauren E. Sucher urges people- especially women who are pregnant, nursing or planning on becoming pregnant- to avoid phthalates. EWG maintains a free online database named Skin Deep, which list lotions, creams, and polishes that contain phthalates. It also provides information on many other chemical compounds found in products beyond just cosmetics, including sunscreens, baby products, and toothpaste. Banned in Europe, Not U.S. or Canada A 2003 European Union directive bans phthalates in cosmetics sold in Europe, but U.S. and Canadian regulators have not been so proactive, despite mounting evidence of potential harm. Health advocates were temporarily relieved when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it would begin enforcing a 1975 law requiring labels on products with ingredients that havent been safety tested. But such labels remain to be seen, even though 99 percent of cosmetics contain one or more untested ingredients.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Service experience report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Service experience report - Essay Example Services have several distinguishing factors all that have implications during marketing. One of these factors is that services are intangible that means that services cannot be stocked. Consequently, variation in demand is difficult to manage. In addition, the actual cost of the service is difficult to determine making pricing difficult. The other characteristic of services is that they are inseparable as they are produced and offered simultaneously (Hultman and Ek, 2011). This means that the consumer is present during the production of the service and the level of satisfaction attained is influenced by other consumers. Services are usually heterogeneous given that these activities are undertaken by humans and hence it is not possible to produce identical services. Lastly, services are perishable as they can never be stored, resold, or returned. For instance, a hotel company that offers bad services to its customers may not returned (Hultman and Ek, 2011). Because of the characteris tics described above, companies offering services faces several challenges in marketing to ensure effectiveness. This report describes the application marketing theories and concepts in the case of Palazzo Versace Hotel that had been visited to have a feel of their customer and identify critical points. The report will also present reasons that make customers feel dissatisfied with the services offered. The First Visit Service marketing efforts in the hotel industry are geared towards attracting new customers and encouraging subsequent visits. Consequently, when I booked at Palazzo Versace Hotel, Gold Coast, and the hotel had a new customer and therefore it had a big role in ensuring that it is able to maintain the customer. Despite having booked for hotel earlier, the front office staff of the hotel could not trace the booking details due to computer failure. However, as required in service marketing where the first experience plays a great role in determining the level of satisfac tion a customer receives in the service industry, the receptionists was quick to reassure me that all was well and assigned another room that is of the same status like that which I had booked. By assigning a room to the customer despite failure to trace his details of booking, the reception reassured the customer that the hotel is concerned about his welfare and has trust in them. This act may also be understood from the relationship marketing. Relationship marketing involves attracting and maintaining customers through enhanced customer to organization relationship (Gilmore, 2003). By demonstrating trust for the customer and assigning a room without much interrogation, the visitor is able to form a strong relationship with the facility and therefore it is possible to book at the hotel again. The other marketing concept that is evident in the case of Palazzo Versace Hotel and the customer is that of mutual satisfaction. According to Gilmore (2003), traditionally, marketing theory e mphasized on mutual satisfaction. Businesses make profits by also ensuring that they meet the needs of their customers. To ensure that customers achieve satisfaction, the services offered must be of high quality and adhere to value and convenience needs of the customer. In adherence to the needs of the customer, the receptionist recognized the value of convenience as a determinant to the level of sati

Friday, November 1, 2019

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms For Obtaining Super Resolution Essay

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms For Obtaining Super Resolution Satellite Images - Essay Example The paper tells that the launching of satellites nowadays, experience transformations due to the increasing need for High Resolution images. History shows that once satellites are launched, updating of its captured images faces a challenge due to resolution problems. Some algorithms have been developed, which assist in transforming Low Resolution images to High Resolution images. High Resolution (HR) images have a wide range of usage in the various fields, for example, medical imaging, video surveillance, and satellite imaging. However, due to limitations of hardware, many Low Resolution (LR) images are obtained than High Resolution images. As a result, researchers have come up with new techniques that help them in obtaining HR images from LR images. Researchers have come up with a reconstruction technique known as Super-resolution (SR) technique. The technique solves the problem of developing HR images from LR images since it allows the recovery of high resolution images from low re solution images. The technique allows recovery of HR images from several LR images, which are blurred, noisy and down-sampled. The SR technique uses some algorithms in order to solve the resolution problem. These algorithms use LR images that are related to each other’s through random translations and rotations in order to create a single HR image of the original scene. In order to reconstruct the HR image, the LR images must be first registered relative to a specific frame of reference. Secondly, the pixels from the LR images are used to sparsely populate some of the pixels of the high resolution image. ... This may include the implementation of set of super resolution algorithms and comparing their performances. Although there is the quest of obtaining high resolution images, there are some challenges that go hand in hand with the high resolution. In acquiring high resolution imaging systems, one runs into the problem of diminishing returns. The optical components and imaging chips necessary for high resolution imaging are very expensive since they cost millions of dollars. Potential Benefits High image resolution is beneficial since there is an increase in image detail. In addition, image resolution results in images that do not contain noise or with reduced noise and images with increased smoothness in interlaced video. Chapter Two Fundamentals of Image Processing Introduction and definition Image processing refers to any kind of signal processing, where the input is an image, for instance, a video frame or a photograph and the resulting output of the image may be either an image or a set of parameters or characteristics that are related to the image. In most image processing techniques, the image is treated as a two-dimensional signal. The image processing techniques usually apply standard signal processing techniques to the image being processed. During image processing, various operations may be carried out on the image; such operations include Euclidean geometrical transformations that may take the form of reduction, rotation and enlargement, color corrections that may involve color balancing, color mapping, quantization and contrast adjustment (Burge & Burge, 2009). Image processing operations may also include interpolation, image registration, and image segmentation.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

On the assignment sheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On the assignment sheet - Essay Example Grammar Girl outlines a number of reasons to explain why most companies will not include an apostrophe in the names. First, the companies omit an apostrophe in their names because the inclusion of an apostrophe does not favor the creation of a good IP address. It has been shown that names with apostrophes drive less traffic to the site because they rank low in search. This is because most users will forget to include apostrophe when searching. It is important to note that many people are more relaxed on the use of an apostrophe in spoken language Second, many companies omit apostrophes in their names because the center for domestic name registration does not favor it (Grammar Girl, 414). Therefore, this organization advises many companies to omit the apostrophe in their names. They believe that the inclusion of an apostrophe makes the name too personal, which is not good for public properties. Consequently, the inclusion or omission of apostrophe depends on the kind of audience that one is targeting. The narrator in this episode of Grammar Girl uses historical and real examples to convince her audience. She refers to real life examples to show the application of apostrophe in real life. The dilemma that involves including or omitting an apostrophe is explained vividly the narrator. In conclusion, the use of apostrophe in company names is not common because, in most cases, it makes the business too personal. It is, also, true that the use of apostrophe is more strict written English than in spoken English. The use of apostrophe in business names depends on personal

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Study on stress management for teachers in Malaysia

Study on stress management for teachers in Malaysia Teaching is one of the most stressful jobs in Malaysia. The talk on Stress Management for Teachers (Kolej Disted-Stamford news, 23 February 2008) declared that teaching is a challenging profession and hence, teachers could do with learning how to de-stress to maintain good health and high spirits.  There are two main sources of stress which affect teachers; heavy workload and students problem. Nowadays, a teachers duty is multifaceted as they undertake not only teaching but also matters associated with curriculum, students, parents, the school community as well as departmental initiatives. Another key point to note, the success of the newly launched National Education Blueprint has given a big impact on the development of the schools and teachers themselves. This plan is expected to produce intellectual students who are able to collect information and acquire knowledge and skills, instead of purely memorizing knowledge. Education system should cater to the needs of all students; smart, mediocre, weak or disabled. The success of the National Education Blueprint depends on the teachers ability, quality, skills and effectiveness in educating students. Teachers are required to have proficient skills in teaching and educating students to fulfill the governments aspiration in providing world class education. As a result of this new system, married female teachers may face an increase in workload which will in turn affect their work performance as well as their psychological well-being. According to Smylie (1999), These are tough times being a teacher (p. 59). Ewing and Smith (2003) reported that between 25% and 40% of beginning teachers in the Western World countries are leaving teaching or facing burnout syndrome. Over the past ten years, many researchers focused on the effect of work overload on work-family conflict. Generally, they found that high levels of work overload led to higher levels of work-family conflict (WFC). From a personal perspective, {suggested that the demands that employees have to fulfil considering their resources namely time and emotions to devote to work with less devote to their families.} work demands require employees to devote more resources namely time and emotions to work, leaving them with fewer resources to devote to their families. Greenhaus and Beutell (1985) define work-family conflict as a type of inter-role conflict in which role pressures from work and family are mutually incompatible. That is, work demands are not compatible with family demands (Allen, Herst, Bruck, and Sutton, 2000). Allen et al. (2000) reviewed the relationship between work-family conflict and (a) work-related outcomes, (b) non-work-related outcomes, (c) stress-related outcomes and generally found significant relationships across these areas. They concluded that work-family conflict has important personal and organizational consequences. It is important to note that the early research on multiple roles focused almost on women, particularly on women who occupied the roles of wife, mother, and employee. The multiple roles of women may affect the well-being of the family such as the husband, children and including the wife herself. Conflict occurs when a family is unable to cope with this multiples roles effectively and the result has been found to affect work satisfaction and psychological well-being (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985; Loscocco and Roschelle, 1991; Phelan et al., 1991). In order to maintain the health and success of teachers and schools, greater understanding of WFC is fundamental. Consequently, the influence of WFC in the prediction of psychological well-being is receiving increasing attention (e.g., ODriscoll, Brough, and Kalliath, 2004). This has led to an increment in the number of occupational stress researchers as well as WFC variables in their estimates of both individual health and work performance (Brough O Driscoll, 2005). Research suggests that an individuals self-efficacy in a specific domain provides information regarding how the individual perceive and cope with challenges. In the case of managing conflict that inevitably arise between personal and professional responsibilities, assessing work-family conflict efficacy may provide a unique perspective on what might ultimately help to reduce the negative outcomes namely decrease in life and job satisfaction that are associated with work-family conflict. Understanding how self-efficacy function in the relationship between work-family conflict and these outcomes could bring about meaningful therapeutic measures for women experiencing work-family conflict. Self-efficacy is defined as, peoples judgments in their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performance (p. 391). Bandura (1977) described self-efficacy as a key determinant of psychological change, choice of settings and activities, quality of performance in a specific domain, and level of persistence when one meets adverse or negative experiences. Having mentioned about efficacy, other predictors may also have significance in contributing to WFC and well-being. Religious coping and religiosity that have been found to affect health status positively, including overall morbidity and mortality, acute conditions, fatal ailments, pain and chronic illness (Levin, 1994). Religious belief has been perceived as one way of coping with conflict. The positive influence of religious certainty on well-being was found to be direct and substantial, whereby individuals with a strong religious faith reported higher levels of life satisfaction and greater personal happiness (Ellison, 1991), as well as lower levels of distress (Ross, 1990). Religious activities especially prayers are usually regarded as positive coping devices directed toward both the problem and personal growth (Folkman, Lazarus, Dunkel-Shetter, De Longis Gruis, 1986). Due to the insufficient of information on the psychological outcomes of combining work and family roles among Malaysian women, the present study is aimed at investigating the direct and indirect relationships between WFC efficacy, religious coping, WFC and well-being. The study hypothesized that the relationship between WFC efficacy, religious coping and well-being is mediated by WFC. Therefore, the proposed model hypothesized WFC to act as an intervening variable between WFC efficacy and religious coping and well-being among female teachers in Malaysia. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Changes in family structures are transforming the workplace while adjustments in parental work patterns are altering family life. Thus, there has been a dramatic increase in rates of paid employment globally among mothers with children. Research on WFC since the past 30 years has been fuelled by the growing proportion of employees who are dual-earner partners or single parents. As the number of working women with young children at home and dual-career households rise, so does the need for research and organizational attention towards potentially reducing stress due to WFC. Research to date suggests that high levels of work-family conflict are related to dysfunctional outcomes such as life dissatisfaction, anxiety, depression, and poor health in individual, increased interpersonal conflict and divorce in relationships, and as for the organizations, namely absenteeism, tardiness and loss of talented employees. Besides that, The National Union of The Teaching Profession (NUTP) Secretary, General Lok Yim Pheng, in New Sunday Times, May 18, 2008, informed that teachers are overloaded with paper work and they are pressured to train students on how to answer examination questions. Teachers must always maintain the quality of their work, try to improve their productivity and acquire knowledge and skills to develop human capital in the globalized world. Moreover, teachers play an essential role in shaping a community as their products of educating efforts contribute to its functionality. These are the demands of teaching profession nowadays. Researchers have identified various stressors that may affect the psychological well-being of teachers and one of the stressor is workload that may lead to burnout. Although some researchers may argue that social status is one of the most important factors for psychological well-being (Bredemeier, 1979), it seems that excessive workload could impose an undue level of stress that is more serious than any other stressors. A large number of studies show that teachers are exposed to workload which results particularly in stress and strain. At least one third of teachers can be seen as suffering from extreme stress and/or burnout (e.g., Boyle, Borg, Falzon Baglioni, 1991; Friesen Sarros, 1989). Researchers have considered various unique antecedents to WFC (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985; Frone, 1992). However, the role of personality factors on womens well-being, on the other hand, is less well documented. Only a few researchers have assessed the relationship between WFC efficacy and religious coping. For instance, Carlson (1999) found negative affectivity to be directly related to greater WIF conflict. There is a need to identify how WFC efficacy and religious coping can be linked with WFC and well-being in a causal relationship in the school setting. The present study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to examine relationships among two independent (exogenous) and dependent (endogenous) variables simultaneously in a causal framework. With regard to personal resources, why do some teachers succeed in being good teachers continuously enhancing students achievements, setting high goals for themselves and pursuing them persistently, while others fail to meet expectations imposed on them and tend to collapse under the burden of everyday stress? Based on this statement, the study examines the problem by investigating the influence of teachers WFC efficacy and religious coping on work-family conflict and well-being of female teachers in Malaysia. If teachers WFC efficacy and religious coping can be proven to reduce WFC among female teachers, it seems possible to increase teachers WFC efficacy and improve teachers coping style using religious approach which in turn may boost teachers well-being. Again, if WFC efficacy and religious coping are causally related to WFC as hypothesized, this relationship will reduce teachers WFC and increase teachers well-being respectively. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY In generally, this study serves the purpose to examine the impact of WFC efficacy and religious coping on WFC and well-being of secondary school teachers in Malaysia. To validate the instruments utilized in this study, the researcher adopted the two-step Structural Equation Modeling. Then, the researcher estimated the hypothesized relationships. The primary purpose of this research is to construct-validate the instrument to assess WFC of female teachers in Malaysia which are Work-family conflict (WFC), Work-family conflict efficacy (WFC efficacy) Religious coping (RC), Well-being (WB) consisted of Health (GHQ) and Job-Family Dissatisfaction (JFD). The study also estimates the relationships of WFC, WFC efficacy, RC and well-being of female teachers in Malaysia. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following research questions are formulated to address the hypothesized relationships: 1. Are the constructs of work-family conflict, work-family conflict efficacy, religious coping and well-being valid and reliable? 2. Does work-family conflict efficacy directly influenced the well-being of female teachers in Malaysia? 3. Does work-family conflict efficacy indirectly influenced well-being via work-family conflict of female teachers in Malaysia? 4. Does religious coping directly influenced well-being of female teachers in Malaysia? 5. Does religious coping indirectly influenced well-being via work-family conflict of female teachers in Malaysia? Does teachers work-family conflict directly influenced by their well-being? Does WFC-efficacy and religious coping significantly correlated? THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT The model of this study, which is derived from Frone et al., (1992), examines the interrelationships among the two predictors WFC efficacy and RC that may affect well-being directly and indirectly via work-family conflict. This research focuses on the variables that are considered vital to increase well-being and to reduce WFC. The hypothesized interrelationships and interdependency among these variables are presented in Figure 1. The model depicts four measurement models, labeled as efficacy accounted for the variability in WFC efficacy and FWC-efficacy. First, work-family conflict-efficacy (WFC efficacy) which acts as a predictor or an independent variable comprises work-family conflict efficacy (WFC efficacy) and family-work conflict efficacy (FWC efficacy) of work-family conflict and well-being. This type of personality may improve or increase ones well-being because it strongly affects a persons ability to do a task. Teachers WFC efficacy should aim at reducing teachers experiences with WFC aside from functioning as a personality booster. Thus, an individuals personality plays a role in the amount of work-family conflict that he or she experiences. The second latent variable, religious coping illustrates the underlying factors for positive religious/spiritual coping (POS RC) and negative religious/spiritual coping (NEG RC). In order for teachers to cope with work-family conflict, they need to choose an effective coping style. In this study, religious coping as a second predictor of WFC and well-being may have significant relationships with both dependents. It is certainly reasonable to argue that teachers who manage their religious coping well would most likely have less WFC and a better well-being. In addition, the relationship between the two constructs namely WFC efficacy and religious coping would covary. In other words, the researcher believes that the constructs are correlated, but does not assume that one construct is dependent upon another. This relationship is depicted by a two-headed arrow connection as shown in Figure 1. In the current study, WFC efficacy and religious coping will be tested as predictors of WFC and w ell-being. The third latent variable, WFC, represents the underlying factor for Work-interfering-with-family and Family-interfering-with-work. WFC occurs when participation in the work role and the family role is incompatible in some respect. Work-family conflict can arise from; 1) the time demands of one role that interfere with participation in the other role and; 2) the stress that originates in one role that spills over into the other role which, only detracts from the latters quality of life. As a result, participation in one role is made more difficult by virtue of participation in the other role. Individuals who invest more time or more psychological involvement in their work rather than their family experience the highest levels of work-to-family conflict and life stress, which ultimately reduce their quality of life. The fourth latent variable, well-being, accounts for the variability in General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Job-Family Dissatisfaction (JFD) which is hypothesized to represent participants reported well-being. Thus, it is not what the situation offers but rather how we react to a situation that determines our well being. If work and family roles were imbalanced, conflict might occur which would eventually affect the well-being of a person. Effects will range from job-family dissatisfaction to health problems, which are viewed as psychological distress. Work-Family Conflict Efficacy H3 Well-being (distress job dissatisfaction Work-family Conflict (wif,fiw) H2 H7 H6 H3 Religious Coping H5 Figure 1 The Hypothesized Model of Work-family Conflict and Well-Being Note: Exogenous Construct: WFC efficacy; religious coping; WFC Endogenous Construct: WFC; well-being RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS In the hypothesized model, six hypotheses are tested to depict the relationships between work-family conflict and the three variables identified above. In the following discussion, each of these six hypotheses are identified and explained. The Reciprocal Relationship between Work-Family Conflict Efficacy, Work-Family Conflict and Well-Being Studies have shown that the personal resources that women bring with them into their roles explained more of the variance in reported strain symptoms than the role stressors alone (e.g. Amatea Fong, 1991). Self-efficacy in a particular domain has been indirectly and directly linked to outcomes in that domain. For instance, Lent, Brown and Hackett (1994) suggested that self-efficacy promotes academic and vocational outcomes, such as interest, choice and performance. The conservation of resources model proposes that individuals act to acquire and maintain a variety of resources, such as objects, energies, condition and personal characteristic. On the basis of these findings, the following hypotheses are proposed: H2 Those with high work-family conflict efficacy will portray increased well-being (low distress and low dissatisfaction) H3 The effects of work-family conflict efficacy on well-being are mediated by work-family conflict, such that those with high work-family conflict efficacy demonstrate less conflict which will leads to increased well-being (low distress and low dissatisfaction). The Reciprocal Relationship between Religious Coping, Work-family Conflict and Well-Being In recent years, a growing body of literature has explored the implications of religion and spirituality for various mental and physical health outcomes (Koenig 1994). Other findings have also indicated that various dimensions of religiousness and spirituality may enhance the subjective states of well-being (Ellison, 1991). A report by the Fetzer Institute (2003), stated that a few studies in the US show that the subjective beneficial effects of participating in religious services, prayer and Bible reading are primarily due to their role in strengthening religious belief and individuals who describe themselves as having a strong religious faith report being happier and more satisfied with their lives. Most recently, Lapierre and Allen (2006) had used conservation of resources model to study the different coping methods employed by individuals to avoid WFC. They found that some coping methods are more useful than others to help individuals gain or conserve resources. Thus, the followi ng hypotheses are proposed: H4 Those with high religious coping show increased well-being (low distress and low dissatisfaction). H5 The effects of religious coping on well-being are mediated by work-family conflict such that those with high religious coping portray less conflict which leads to increased well-being (low distress and low dissatisfaction) The Reciprocal Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Well-Being Work-family conflict has been found to have a significant negative relationship with measured of psychological health rather than physical health (Mikkelsen Burke, 2004). Noor (2006) presented some selected research findings on work, family and womens well-being. The result showed that women were more strongly affected by the changes in their lives compared to men because even when employed they are still primarily responsible for the home and family. Role theory and spillover theory are the underpinning theories to explain the connection between WFC and well-being. Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed: H6 WFC negatively influences well-being. The Reciprocal Relationship between Work-Family Conflict Efficacy and Religious Coping Covary Judge, Erez and Bono (1998) suggested that self-efficacy has a strong influence on individuals, whether they adopt an optimistic or pessimistic coping style (Seligman Schulman, 1996). They suggested that those with high generalized self-efficacy believe in their ability to change bad situations. The type of coping strategy selected has been shown to be related to the experience of work-family strain and overall well-being. Researchers have also found that self-efficacy is linked to the effectiveness of coping (Anderson, 1977; Bandura, 1977). On the basis of these findings, the following hypothesis is proposed: H7 WFC efficacy and religious coping significantly correlated. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This is a fundamental area of study for both researchers and practitioners, as more and more female teachers struggle having to take up with multiple roles in life being a wife, a parent and even a caretaker of elderly parents aside from her teaching profession. Teachers are the main doers in the process of forming a community and students are the products of teachers educating efforts. Due to the above basis, there are three important research areas that need focus namely; theory, methodology and practicality. Firstly, from the theoretical viewpoint, less attention is devoted to examine how WFC and well-being are indirectly related to efficacy and RC. The studies by Frone (2003) called for the examination of personality dispositions as antecedents of WFC. The role of personality factors on womens well-being, on the other hand, is less well documented. Carlson (1999) found negative affectivity to be directly related to greater WIF conflict. Although many studies on WFC involved nurses, managers, clericals, doctors, lawyers and engineers there were not many studies related to work and family conflict in the teaching profession. According to Kinicki et al.s (1996) review, the basic proposition which states that environmental and personality variables influence the choice of coping strategies, has been generally supported by empirical research, but the relationships between coping strategies and outcomes are inconsistent. Research on coping should address both the effects of coping on appraisal and strain as well as vice versa (Harris, 1991). It is vital to note that this study focus on the relationships between religious coping and work-family conflict and well-being. Furthermore, knowing how women deal with the realities of their conflicts rather than how they feel about them seems particularly important. Therefore it is of great interest to get a deeper knowledge of the antecedents/predictors of the teachers work-family conflict. Secondly, is/from the methodological component/perspective. There are inconsistent findings regarding the relationship between WFC and well-being. Due to this reason, this study also investigates the direct and indirect relationships concurrently. Apart from that, this study also examines WFC efficacy as a predictor of WFC due to the inconclusive findings related to efficacy and stress. In the current study, the researcher examines work-family conflict efficacy that may play an important role as a predictor of WFC in increasing teachers well-being. Unfortunately, not much is known about the relationships between WFC efficacy, religious coping, WFC and well-being in Malaysian studies. Thus, this study examines direct and indirect relationships between WFC, WFC efficacy, religious coping and well-being. By using Structural Equation Modeling, the direct and indirect relationships can be simultaneously tested. To achieve this purpose, the data are analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analy sis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Additionally, there is only few research on WFC among teachers in the Malaysian population utilizing SEM. The result of the study would substantiate understanding about the phenomenon of work-family conflict in teacher population with the use of SEM. Thirdly, in practicality, it is important to study WFC and the psychological well-being of female school teachers. Studies has indicated that many teachers are incapable of juggling their professional and family roles effectively (Elbaz-Lubisch, 2002; Spencer, 1986). Teachers in Ackers study (1992) clearly thought that the combination roles of being a teacher and a mother were not at all convenient. Job satisfaction and teaching competence are important variables in regard to teachers continuity in the profession. For instance, studies by Certo and Fox (2002) indicated that job satisfaction in teaching was associated with aspects such as workplace conditions, administrative control, and organizational culture. It also touched on how teachers felt about their own competencies like teaching accomplishments and their general feelings coming to work. When teacher satisfaction was examined by Scott and Dinham (2003), they found that it was influenced by students achievement and personal e fficacy. Hence, it may be plausible to argue that a teachers well-being is influenced by job satisfaction and competence plus, reduced well-being associated with work may lead to stress that will in turn affect job performance. This study hopes to contribute to the importance of the relationships between WFC, WFC efficacy, religious coping and well-being of female teachers. Work-family problems, if they are not effectively managed, will not only affect individuals and their families, but also adversely affect their employers and ultimately the society at large. Hence, the responsibility for developing and implementing effective ways to reduce work-family interference and increase development should be shared by organizations, individuals and their families, as well as policy-makers. This study may also assist the policy-makers and administrators to implement intervention strategies aimed at managing teachers WFC, if possible reducing their workload. Additionally, practitioners are interested in the extent to which various interventions like family-friendly policies and programs, and the supportiveness of the work-family culture would actually reduce employees work-family role conflict. They are also interested in how this can have significant impact on a number of work, family and personal outcomes, as mentioned above. Therefore, future research should be aimed at examining the effectiveness of such interventions. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY First, limiting the generalizability of current findings, even though the sample represents the organizations population, they were female. Secondly, the disadvantage of using a survey method is that it influence the willingness of individuals to respond accurately. Finally, the present study is clearly limited by the cross-sectional nature of the research. DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study focused only on married female secondary school teachers in the District of Hulu Langat in Selangor. This sample size was limited to only those who were in one district in one state. The researcher controlled the influence of participants marital status, number of children, working experience on WFC and level of institutions (secondary schools) that were expected to have high significant levels of conflict between work and family roles. The presence of children within the home has been identified as a factor that affects conflict. Regarding the influence children have on work and family conflict, research has suggested that FWC and WFC are exacerbated by the number of children living within the home (Kinnunen Mauno, 1998; Voydanoff, 1988). This research also included in-depth open-ended interviews to further explore the mechanisms that explain teachers WFC. DEFINITION OF THE OPERATIONAL KEY TERMS For the purpose of this study, the key terms or constructs under the study are operationally defined as follow, with some elaborations on the definitions. Work-Family Conflict Work-family conflict has been defined as a form of inter-role conflict in which pressures from work and family roles are incompatible (Greenhaus Beutell, 1985). For instance, when one devotes extra time and energy into one role, the other role is compromised. This study defines work-family conflict according to Netemeyer et al., (1996, p. 401) as a form of inter-role conflict in which the general demands of, time devoted to and strain created by the job interfere with performing family-related responsibilities. Work-Family Conflict Efficacy Work-family conflict efficacy is defined as an individuals beliefs in her or his ability to manage work-family and family-work conflict (Cinamon, 2003). In this study, work-family conflict efficacy refers to the perceptions of self-efficacy to manage work-family conflict and family-work conflict. Self-efficacy was theoretically defined in this study as self-regulatory efficacy, which is a specific type of perceived self-efficacy. The given attainment in this study was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Bandura (1997) defined a specific type of self-efficacy, self-regulatory efficacy, as the ability to guide and motivate oneself to get things done that one knows how to do. The issue is not whether one can do them occasionally but whether one has the efficacy to get oneself to do them regularly in the face of varied dissuading (p.43). Religious Coping Various definitions of coping have been proposed, including coping as a psychoanalytic process; as a personal trait, style or disposition; as a description of situationally specific strategies; and as a process. In this study, coping in the context of religious approach is used. Thus, religious coping is defined as dealing with life effectively within the search for significance towards the sacred (Pargament, 1997). Religious coping includes a positive and negative religious/spiritual coping factor that reflects benevolent religious involvement in the search for significance and a negative factor that reflects religious struggle in coping. Well-being Kathryn Dianne (2009) argued that employee well-being consists of subjective well-being (life satisfaction and dispositional affect), workplace well-being (job satisfaction and work-related affect) and psychological well-being (self acceptance, positive relations with others, environmental mastery, autonomy, purpose in life and personal growth). In this study well-being refers to symptoms of psychological distress and job-family dissatisfaction. Symptoms of psychological distress Goldberg (1978) has identified symptoms of psychological distress through somatic and affective of distress. Job-Family Dissatisfaction Job-family dissatisfaction refers to a respondents perception of negative spillover from his or her work to family (Small Riley, 1990), for example the negative impact of a respondents work demands or stressors on her marital and parental roles. Mediator Mediators are intervening variables, which could explain why relationships exist. Mediation exists when an exogenous construct indirectly influences an endogenous construct via a third variable or construct. That is, the effect of a third variable or construct (mediator) intervenes between two other related constructs. In this study, work-family conflict functions as a mediator. SUMMARY Chapter one is organized into nine sections. The first section presents the background of the study, followed by the statement of problem and purpose of the study. To achieve the purpose of the study, several research questions have been formulated and explained more on the conceptual framework part, a set of relationships (work-family conflict efficacy, religious coping, work-family conflict and well-being) in a path diagram is depicted. Sixth, on the basis of